Learn CSS filter property.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
1. CSS filter: blur(px)
→ Applies a Gaussian Blur Effect to the image.
→ A larger value will create more blur.
→ If no value is specified, 0 is used.
2. CSS filter: brightness(%)
→ Adjusts the brightness of the image.
→ 0% will make the image completely black.
→ Values over 100% will provide brighter results.
3. CSS filter: contrast(%)
→ Adjust the contrast of the image.
→ 0% will make the image completely black.
→ Over 100% will provide results with more contrast.
4. CSS filter: grayscale(%)
→ Converts the image to grayscale.
→ 0% is the default and represents the original image.
→ Note: Negative values are not allowed.
5. CSS filter: hue-rotate(deg)
→ Applies a hue rotation on the image.
→ 0deg is default and represents the original image.
→ Note: Maximum value is 360deg.
6. CSS filter: invert(%)
→ Inverts the samples in the image.
→ 0% is the default and represents the original image.
→ Note: Negative values are not allowed.
7. CSS filter: opacity(%)
→ Sets the opacity level for the image.
→ 0% is 0% is completely transparent.
→ 100% (1) is default.
8. CSS filter: saturate(%)
→ Saturates the image.
→ 0% will make the image completely un-saturated.
→ Values over 100% provide super-saturated results.
9. CSS filter: sepia(%)
→ Converts the image to sepia.
→ 0% is the default and represents the original image.
→ 100% will make the image completely sepia.
CSS box-shadow vs. drop-shadow
--> "box-shadow" applies a shadow to the entire box of an element, even if it has transparent parts or rounded corners.
CSS box-shadow takes four or five values: offset-x, offset-y, blur-radius, spread-radius (optional), and color.
--> "drop-shadow" applies a shadow only to the visible outline of an element, ignoring the transparency and the box model.
CSS drop-shadow takes four values: offset-x, offset-y, blur-radius(optional), and color(optional).
Note: "drop-shadow" is a CSS function, not a property.
And lastly, thank you @elonmusk for the demonstration, the man is a legend and a true polymath🫡