Ever wondered why men sleep after sex?
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Ejaculation is a physically and emotionally intense experience that can cause the body to release chemicals such as oxytocin, prolactin, and serotonin, which can have a calming effect.
It is common for men to feel physically and mentally relaxed after ejaculating, which may lead to a desire to sleep.
Additionally, the body may naturally feel a need to rest and repair itself after the physical activity of sexual intercourse.
It is important to note that not all men experience a desire to sleep after ejaculating and that individual experiences can vary.
If you do not want your man to fall asleep immediately after sex, it might be helpful to have a conversation about it beforehand.
You could try saying something like, "I really enjoy spending time together and connecting after we have sex.
Can we try to stay awake and talk or cuddle for a little while before falling asleep?"
It may also be helpful to suggest alternative activities that you can do together, such as watching a movie or having a snack.