History of Duala People of Cameroon.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Duala People also known as Douala People can be found in Cameroon and they are part of the Bantu speaking people , they grow crops such as cassava, maize cocoyam and plantain as well along with owning lands and trading such as trading Ivory .
According Duala Anthropologist, they are part of the several ethnic groups with the Ewodi, Bodiman, Bakweri, Bamboko and Limba they traced to one common ancestor, origins, it is believed they originated from Bakota an area which is now in Present day Gabon migrated north and settled in Pitti on the Dibamba river later moved northwest to wouri river and southeast to sanaga river which was slipt the Elimbe and Ewale, Dibongo Limba formed a group which became known as Duala during their migrations to Present day Cameroon.
According to their Oral history the Bakoko and Basa inhabited the wouri when they arrived and kicked them out between the late 17th Century and early 18th Century then in the late 1470s the Portuguese traders reached wouri and encountered them it is said they grow plantations on Amoban, Fernando Po and Sao Tome, Duala have obelisek symbol which originally came from Present day Sudan and Present day Egypt.
It is claimed the name of the country derived from the term used for wouri river by the Portuguese explorers who reached the Cameroon coast near the Douala port city around 1472, Portuguese named it rio dos camaroes meaning the river of prawns and Rudolf Manga Bell belong to the ethnic group it is said he began unraveling in 1910 with the reich plan to abnegate the 1884 signed treaty whose auspices intruded into Present day Cameroon in the first place seeking to confine the Duala to a few coastal villages and subsquently to push less desirable inland territory and he was imprisoned for treason in 1914 by the Germans seized him along the wouri river.
It is believed the Ndole and Duala originated from the same homeland and origins, in their culture they do melting pots and weaving women weaved clothes at their towns while the Akha weave it at the Kengtung hill near the village.
The earliest Duala were the chiefs and headmen in the mid 19th Century after the Portuguese the British and French coincided the abolition movement in 1879 when King Akwa send a request to Bell followed by a suit in 1881 then in 1918 Germany lost the World War l against France but in 1937 they expelled Duala from Akwa town others also believed they originated from Tunisia crossed Morocco then reached wouri river in Present day Cameroon in 500 BC and they traced to their Patrilineal lineage and inherited from their lineage on their Patrilineal side.
In their traditions the Ngonde is one of the important Chief of the Clan they have societies such as Ekongolo, Losango, Munji, Legu and Jengu and they celebrate Ngondo water annual festival with the Sawa People along with the Myengu festival, the Diabango is a musical style known as Makossa performed by Duala during Slave trade it is performed in some parts of Central America and they invented their own script in the late 1800s similar to the Vai People of Sierra leone.