History of Kwere People of Tanzania, East Africa.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Kwere People can be found in the east central part of Tanzania and they are related to the Zaramo People, Doe People , Zigua and Luguru People of Tanzania . Kwere People are also known as Kikwere People and they are part of the Bantu speaking people .
They grow crops such as maize , rice, millet and other crops also they raised goats , sheeps, chickens, cows and guinea fowls and both hunting , fishing is praticed by Kwere People of Tanzania.
They traced to their matrilineal side , Kwere homeland streches from Bagamoyo to the wami river on the north and westward to Msata which connect to Dar es Salaam and Arusha. Kwere are one of Tanzania’s minority ethnic group , It is believed Kwere People settled Inland from the coast and maintained the trading ties with Zaramo , Zigua and Luguru People .
According to Kwere History, Kwere People migrated from Present day Mozambique and settled in Present day Tanzania around 1000 AD before moving into the area with their bantu neighbours and gradually displaced the San hunters who had Inhabited near the coast as they encountered the Islamization of the Swahili People .
Traditionally, Kwere Chieftaincy system is about the top leader who is considered to be elected official the chairman and there is 4 to 6 villages with an elected officials but Chairman gives permission to the people and blessing is given by their Chiefs . In Kwere Concept, God is known as Mulungu , Mulungu is associated with rainfall and sky. Every Kwere household shrines are built and It is said Mulungu and their ancestors are consulted for healing and the Mgangas who are the Traditional Priests communicate with Mulungu but through their ancestors and they prescribe the treatment for illness .
Kwere and Ngh’wele are located in the Morogoro region and they carved sculptures such as Inaga, Stylised word Symbol , Mwana hiti , Antelope horns , calabash medicine container and Kweere Pole. There are 139 ethnic groups in Tanzania such as Kwere, Arusha, Haya, Kutu, Mbugwe, Nyiha, Suba, Bahima, Hehe, Kwavi , Mabunga, Subi , Massai , Baragugu, Holoholo, Kwaya, Mepa, Pangwa, Sukuma, Ikiza, Mpepo, Sagara, Hadimu , Ikomo, Luguru, Wanji, Nguruimi, Gogo, Kara, Matambe and many more.
In their tradition, Calabashes are used to store medicine, powders, oils, beer and water it is believed that the string or rope connect to the pair representing a wedding and spiritual bond that can only broken when there is death.
Baobab Tree Nti Wambugu and Kaole Bagamoyo is one of the historical area of Kwere and Zaramo People which dates back to the 7th Century at these places there are two mosques , more than 22 graves and remaining tools dates back to the 13th and 15th Centuries . It is believed Baobab Tree dates back to more than 500 years ago , there is also water which symbolize blessings , you can wash or take bath to cleanse themselves from bad forces and receive blessings from Mulungu and their ancestors.
The Makumbusho Village Museum is designed by Haya , Bena, Zanaki , Yao, Makua, Chagga, Kwere and others , It is a museum that has natural history museum and the Arusha declaration museum . It is believed it is sucessfully build with houses for each houses to maintain ancient stuffs and They celebrate festivals such as Arts festivals which include Traditional dances, Sculptures and Music , Yam festival and other kinds of festivals .
They perform cultural dances such as funeral dance, war dance, makwere dance, kokoro dance, wamevurungwa dance, ngarenaro dance, manyara dance, acrobatic and many other cultural dances or traditional dances .
In their Culture , members of the extended family are held responsible for the welfare of the younger siblings and oral folklores is part of their tradition , basket weaving , pottery, and musical instruments as well . Kwere traditional beer is made up of sorghum , honey , yeast and water it plays a role during customary weddings , funerals and Initiations.
In their Culture , Clean drinking water is probably the greatest felt need in Kwere Villages . Many need it for physical thirst and spiritual thirst and Stylised wood symbol carved by the Kwere People of Tanzania and It is has a striking traditional hairstyle , used in symbolic purpose and executed carving work on a small scale . Mwana hiti Sculpture is carved from a three- legged chair with a high backrest and single piece .
Both Antelope horns and Calabash medicine is used for storing medicines , sacred oils, mask larger sculptures and they are combined with feathers and carved heads that represent their ancient ancestral connections. Kweere Pole is a carved sculpture is used as Initiation ceremonial symbol for girls marking the transition from childhood to womanhood and Mwana hiti means a female child of the one who is enthroned undergoing Initiation .
According to Galerie Shakira's account , the small ancestral stool of the Kwere People of Tanzania is a rare ancestral stool that represents a seat for their ancestors . It is said Mwana hiti sits on the top of the stool , such stools were family heirlooms and were used in ceremonies , It is described as dark brown , mattle , and partially encrusted patina.
According to Ann Porteus , their wooden shoes also known as Ialawanda looks as though girls wore pink polish on their toes . The figures are used during Initiations approximately second half of the 20th Century by traditional practitioners for healing rituals and both male and female figure art also are said to be commemorate an ancestor.
The Kwere Zither musical Instrument is made up of wood and a large gourd is a stringed Instrument which Kwere People of Tanzania used and It is accompanied by songs and dances . The Strings have been stretched over the body of the trough and attached through holes at both ends , the gourd or calabash would act as chamber for the sound .