History of Afro-Venezuelans of African Ancestry.
Monday, September 19, 2022
Afro- Venezuelans are descendants of Enslaved Africans who were brought from different parts of Africa such as Angola , Cameroon, Mozambique , Nigeria , Gabon , Congo , Ghana , Ivory Coast , Senegal , Gambia , Togo , Benin , Equatorial Guinea , Guinea including Guinea Bissau and some parts of Central and Southern Africa .
They came from ethnic groups such as Wolof , Mandinka , Kikongo , GA Dangme , Ijaw , Igbo , Edo , Fon , Tikar , Bamileke , Adja , Egu , Ewe , Yoruba , Akan , Fulani , Hausa and other ethnic groups in Africa . It is said the first enslaved Africans were brought by John Hawkins an English Slave trader , another slave trader known as Francis Drake Including Spanish , French and English participated in enslaving Africans , the first enslaved Africans arrived between 1576 and 1810 , they were about 500,000 Enslaved Africans captured by the Europeans to Venezuela from Present day Angola , Present day Togo, Present day Benin , Gold Coast Present day Ghana , Present day Nigeria , Present day Gabon , Present day Guinea Bissau , Present day Ivory Coast and from other parts of Africa were sold into Slavery by Europeans especially the Spanish .
It is believed the first Africans arrived with the Spanish Conquistadors and they were referred as “ Ladinos” meaning the hispanicized slaves , It is said they were used for pearls furthermore , In the 1600s 13,000 Enslaved Africans were brought to Venezuela and labored on the Cocoa plantation , Wheat plantation , Cotton plantation , Sugar plantation , some Tainos or Indians in Venezuela intermarried with the blacks the mixed race Africans with some Indian ancestry were referred as Zambos , the whites who had children through torture and rape with enslaved African women their children were referred as Brown People or Mulattos and later gold was discovered in the 1500s.
In 1845, There was a revolt by Enslaved Africans and Europeans , Europeans were afraid so they were forced to have abolished Slavery By 1830 , Venezuela Independence both Mulattos , Zambos and Enslaved Africans came together and joined the Bolivar’s army and fought against Spain for Venezuela Independence . According to the historical account of Minority rights group on Afro- Venezuelans , Enslaved Africans were transported from Africa to Venezuela mostly in the 18th Century to work or labor on the numerous Cocoa plantations . Despite the Proposals by Simon Bolivar , The Liberator’s Slavery was not abolished upon the Independence in 1811, but rather some 40 years later with the Law of Abolition of Slavery in 1854 . By that time the Enslaved African population had substantially declined due to both economic factors and the common practice of manumission .
According to Afropede historical account on Afro- Venezuelans .
During the 1930s , Oil was discovered . The latter caused Increased Urbanization of Afro- Venezuelans , in search of work in Oil refineries . It is said Afro- Venezuelans found themselves at the lowest rung of Society , occupying most of the lowest economic Strata .
During 1945- 1948, known as the Trienio , an attempt to dress disparities was made by providing education , healthcare , trade Union , and land reform . It was not until attempts were made to address the problems of Afro- Venezuelans . Reform laws were passed that Increase black representation in farm Societies , trade unions , and Oil unions . Numerous positions were acquired by blacks . It is believed the ban on black Immigration in Venezuela in 1966 was removed .
Afro- Venezuelan Spirituality of African Origins .
Enslaved Africans kept their Indigenous Spirituality such as Santeria which is combined with Yoruba Ifa which originated from Present day Nigeria while Afro- Venezuelan Vodu originated from the Ewe , Adja, Ayizo People of West Africa including Present day Togo and Present day Benin in West Africa . Santeria is practiced by Afro Descendants in Cuba , Brazil , Puerto Rico , some parts of Ecuador and other parts of the Diaspora , It is believed Santeria traced its Origin to what is now Nigeria, West Africa .
In Santeria Spirituality , The Orishas also known as Orisa are honored in Venezuela such as Shango , Elegua also known as Elegba , Obatala , Ogun , Oshun , Olodumare the Creator ( God ) among the Yoruba but traced the Santeria practice to the Diaspora a country known as Cuba .
Vodu also known as Vudu among Afro- Venezuelans , the Creator known as Mawu is associated who is associated with the Sun and Moon , Maria Lionza which is the goddess but Vodu is misrepresented in Venezuela by White Venezuelans who are followers of Espiritismo also known as Spiritism , which refer Vodu as bloody which is a fallacy , Other deities include Papa Legba , Nana Buluku , Azaka , Erzuli , Kengue a deity from the Congos and Other West African deities or loas but Vodu is practiced few Afro- Venezuelans , Santeria is practiced the most and both Santeria and Vodu in Venezuela Include healers , traditional priests and priestess , mass would be held with drums beats and Corpus Christie a Catholic Celebration is celebrated with drum beats , mask which traced its roots to Present day Congo .
According to other Historical account , The Enslaved Ewe and Fon brought their Indigenous Spirituality known as Vodu to Venezuela in 1528 , during the 16th Century , Enslaved Africans were brought to work in the Copper mines in Coro which is the Capital of Falcon State and the Oldest City in the West of Venezuela , and Buria , Cumana , Isla Margarita. In the 18th Century , a large shipments of Enslaved Africans were brought to Barlovento to support the explode Cacao Industry and to the Sugar Plantations in Zulia , around the Lake Maracaibo .
The Slave resistance in Venezuela the rebellion took place in Coro in the 1530s, but the well known uprising of time had took place in Buria mines in 1552 .
The rebellion was led by General El Negro Miguel also known as Rey Miguel , Rey Miguel founded Cumbe , or Cimarron escaped enslaved Africans settlement and grouped 1,500 Enslaved Africans , Mulattos , Zambos to rebel against the Europeans . Cumbe was a Community of run away Enslaved Africans continued to grow throughout the 17th Century , In 1720 there were between 20,000 and 30,000 Cimarrones in Venezuela , compared to the 60,000 Enslaved Africans on the Plantations throughout the 18th Century there were several Cumbe settlements being established around Curiepe and Caucagua.
The well known Ocyota was founded around 1770 by the legendary Guillermo Rivas after he led raids on various plantations , It is said the word Cumbe came out of “ Cucumbe” it derived from the West African Manding language which means “ to separate or out of the way or place “ It is claimed Cimarrones were often assisted by the blacks , Indians and some of the whites , It is believed the Afro-Venezuelans played a big role during the Struggle for Independence .
General Jose Tomas Boves attracted many Enslaved Africans , Bolivar , realizing the strategic importance of African Soldiers in the fight for Independence declared the abolition of Slavery In 1812 and In 1816, after promising Alexandre Petion that he would secure the liberty of Enslaved Africans in return for the Haitian Military aid. It is said a major landowner himself , Bolivar was believed to have freed some Enslaved Africans but he actually owned slaves as well , and In 1819 he recruited 5,000 to join his army .
Jose Antonio Paez also played an Important role in Venezuelan Independence led Africans from the llanos plains and the well known Lieutenants Include Pedro Camejo also known as El Negro Primero . According to Vzla embassyus account on Afro-Venezuelans , An estimated 100,000 Enslaved Africans were brought to Venezuela between the 16th and 19th Centuries .Most of them were sold by Europeans to the Central coastal states , which operated an agricultural economy based in Coffee and Cocoa .
Abolition took place in 1854 , Racism continued to flourish in Venezuela throughout approximately 20th Century . Hugo Chavez is the 1st President in Venezuela who it was believed he honor the Indigenous and African Ancestry , Venezuela is another Country with deep African roots and a significant Afro- descendant population that has long struggled with a legacy of racism . According to Modesto Ruiz’s historical account , Between the 16th and 19th Centuries , an estimated 100,000 Enslaved Africans were brought to Venezuela from Africa , where they worked on the Coffee and Cocoa plantations and Slavery was abolished in 1854 , but freedom did not bring equality .
Venezuela’s Census Identify Afro-Venezuelans as Afro-descendent , allowing for the Country’s Afro-Venezuelan population to be formally quantified and recognized the current estimates of Afro- Venezuelans put the number at more than 7 million, or roughly a quarter of Venezuela’s population furthermore, this modern day Venezuela have opened 18 African Embassies Including Mali , Morocco, Nigeria , Congo , Angola and other African Countries embassies in Venezuela.
Afro- Venezuelan Cultural Ceremonies .
Afro- Venezuelan Ceremonies have been primarily linked to the Christian Calendar , and many Afro- Venezuelan music , dance , and costume traditions are associated with Specific Church celebrations such as the nativity , holy week , Corpus Christi , the Cruz de Mayo , and Patron Saints holidays are Central to Afro-Venezuelan expressive Culture throughout the Country. The Folk music were brought by Enslaved African People of many Cultural backgrounds were sold into Slavery by Europeans in the Spanish Colonial era to the South America coast of what is now Venezuela .
Through a Culture of resistance , they and their descendants preserved and adapted the musical Instruments , sounds, and rhythms of their past to life in their new homeland . Recorded in Local Communities throughout the region , this extraordinary ethnographic collection paints a lively mosaic of the Vitality and diversity of Afro-Venezuelan music at the close of the 20th Century . Originally recorded in the 1990s, the two disc set was released by Smithsonian. Song such as El Tocuyo and La Bella( Tamunangue )
The Afro- Venezuelan Sabar style of Senegalese Origins .
Afro- Venezuelan El Clavo was founded by Enslaved Africans which El Clavo traced it Origins back to Present day Senegal and the Sabar Style as well while Afro- Venezuelan and Afro- Puerto Rican bomba originated from Central Africa . It is said Enslaved Africans from Present day Senegal brought Sabar to Venezuela during Slave trade , It is said Afro- Venezuelans Sabar almost exclusively uses the high pitched drums rapidly hit with sticks as well as hands , La Parranda El Clavo’s rhythms also have a deeper bottom that supplies a pulse . It is believed Afro-Venezuelans many hailed from West , Southern and Central Africa , they were brought into Venezuela during the Atlantic Slave trade era .
They represented approximately 3.5% of the total population of the Country . They brought their Spirituality such as Vodu and what is now Santeria combined with Yoruba Ifa , Catholicism was Introduced to the Enslaved Africans during Slave Trade and they practiced Santeria , Catholicism only few practiced Vodu.
. The largest Afro- Venezuelan population is located in the Barlovento region about 100 km east of Carcas , According to Amy Luman’s account , In Afro-Venezuelan Culture , music absorbs the Spheres of dance , literary Invention , lyrical Improvisation , dance close together Including dress dancing . It is claimed the First Africans arrived in Venezuela with Spanish Conquistadors and they were referred as “ Ladinos” and also they did a lot of farming work .
According to Rebekah Osltad’s account , Under the leadership of the Late President Hugo Chavez , Venezuela has made strides toward combating the historical legacy of racism and recognizing the national Importance of the African heritage , promoting Social Inclusion and respect for Afro- Venezuelans and among them is the Official Celebration of the Month of Africa in May of Afro-Venezuelans on Maylo . Although abolition occured in 1854 freedom did not bring equality .
Venezuela like many other Latin American Countries , used the Idea of the Mestizo born of African blood and Indigenous , racial democracy denied rampant discrimination on the basis of Skin Color and African Identity . It is said blacks had remained at the bottom of the economic and social hierarchy .
According to Bill Smith’s account , Afro- Venezuelans predominantly lived in Barlovento region , Barlovento region is on the west of Caracas , The Barlovento is considered to be where the Spanish Imported Enslaved Africans from the West , Central and Southern Africa to work on Cocoa plantations, from which Cocoa , Cocoa butter , and Chocolate are exported from Africa to Europe creating wealth for the Spanish Slave Masters . Barlovento became one of the many runaway Enslaved African settlements known as Cimarron .
It is believed Slavery era was abolished in the 1820s , a Significant population of Freed Africans settled in Barlovento , Just like legends such as Nat Turner of USA , Gaspar Yanga of Mexico , Zumbi dos Palmares of Brazil and Bioho of Colombia , Enslaved Africans and Maroon leaders rose and rebelled , the rebellion was led by El Negro Miguel an Enslaved African Maroon of Venezuela who gathered 1,500 Enslaved Africans and fought the Spanish , the Maroon Communities in Venezuela continued to grow throughout the 1600s , and In 1772 , there were up to 30,000 Cimarrones also known as escaped Slaves in Venezuela furthermore , Enslaved Africans worked on Cocoa plantations in Venezuela to produce all sorts of Chocolate goodies.
The Dia de San Juan ( St.John’s day) .
Dia de San Juan the St . John’s day is celebrated with drumming and dance . Afro-Venezuelans played a Significant role in Venezuela’s War of Independence there is a Statue of El Negro Primero in Plaza Carabobo in Caracas throughout the War of Independence later Venezuela It is claimed Slavery continued to decline by 1821 , however Fiesta de San Juan is celebrated the pride of the Afro- Venezuelan Culture making bold statements in their resistance to the dominant Culture and raising Consciousness.
Afro-Venezuelan Instruments .
La Parranda or Xumba is an Afro- Venezuelan drum very Influential , combined with the African and Spanish Style also there is a folklore percussion of Parranda , which undoubtedly are considered as the perfect combination that will make the dance floors vibrate . The Quitiplas Bamboo Sticks is used as Instruments in Venezuela which originated from Present day Mozambique , Angola and Congo , the San Millan style is originally written for all full Orchestra , is played on a piano bass , Piano percussion , a maraca , a shaker and a clarinet , accompanied by a Snare drum a guiro .
The Afro- Venezuelan Historical account on Afro- Venezuelans .
According to Mimi Tva’s historical account , German bankers from the Welser family , financed the Sale of Africans in the 16th Century , Africans were the first being traffic by Europeans into Venezuela . The German Family was granted Colonial rights to the Province of Venezuela from Charles I , King of Spain .
It is believed by Others that The First Africans were Ewe , Yoruba and Fon and others including from the Congo and Angola regions to the Shores of South America by 1528 , the Ewes and Fons were known for their Spirituality known as Vodu , while the Yorubas were known for Ifa which later became part of Enslaved African Spiritual practices as well as Catholicism which was forced by the Europeans . During the 16th Century , Enslaved Africans were brought to Venezuela to exploit the mines in Present day Coro and Yaracuy also known as Buria to the Isla Margarita and Cumana .
The Africans mostly came from the West Africa , Central Africa and Southern Africa areas in the 18th Century , large ships of Enslaved Africans arrived in Barlovento and Africans worked on the Sugar Plantations of Zulia , around Lake Maracaibo also there is an African Village in Venezuela known as Cumboto . Cumboto was described as the refuge of Enslaved Africans “ Cum” meaning refuge and “boto” meaning Slaves , Drums are manufactured from avocado trees in Cumboto such as Pascal Plaza and Araguenos drums .
Afro- Venezuelan Carnival .
Afro- Venezuelans celebrate Carnival in El Callao , In El Callao is a small mining town founded in 1853 , In Venezuela they host their largest Carnival , which lasts for 4 days . The Carnival traditions is combined with Spanish and African Cultures furthermore , they are many different types of Carnival Costumes such as the African headscarves and robes which represents the town’s unmarried women .
There are also red and black diabolos costume , traditional costume are of the royal court Including Kings , Queens , Courtiers and Jesters . According to Green leaf’s historical account , The Capital of Brion municipality is known as Higurote in Miranda State , which is part of the Coastal region of Barlovento a Centre of African Culture in Venezuela.
It is surrounded by beautiful beaches and lagoons , Higuerote leader Igorot , the early Spanish Colonists huge estates in Venezuela and grew Cocoa using Enslaved Africans brought over West , Central and Southern Africa . Most of the Africans came from the Kingdom of Dahomey , Kingdom of Loango , Kingdom of Edo , Kingdom of Igbo , Yoruba , Mandinka , Akans and many Others . In Venezuela their African Cultures merged to create the well known Culture of Barlovento .
Tabora of Venezuela .
Tabora also known as Tabor is the heavy sound of the African heritage in Venezuela . Rhythms and Percussion Instruments brought from West Africa during Slave Trade that remained unexposed until the late 1970s when the band Un Solo Pueblo took the Venezuelan airwaves by Storm with a traditional repertoire they had compiled themselves after traveling extensively for years in the most remote areas of the Country in Order to learn those Songs directly from People who had successfully learnt them from their Ancestors on a process that went back to the arrival of the first enslaved Africans , In the early 16th Century .
Employing unique drums such as Cumaco , Mina , Culo’e , Puya , Paila or Quitiplas , the Polyrhythmic Structure of rhythms such as Golpe with each town having Its own particular variation , Sangueo or Fulia can be heard on this mix that compiles some of the most Interesting moments of early recordings that began to surface in Venezuela back in the late 70’s Afro-Venezuelan music .
In Afro- Venezuelan Culture , they have Instruments such as Charrasca , a small notched scraper , which is also used as accompaniment , the Marimbola , Is a large bass thumb piano which is of Bantu Origins , the Carangano is a musical bow similar to the Afro- Peruvian bow and Afro- Brazilian berimbau , and the marimba barloventena , a large mouth bow in Other parts of Venezuela with a four -stringed .
The Maracas is of Congolese Origin , Shakers are made of dried gourds with Specific seeds which generally is accompanied with song , melody and rhythm, the marimbula is of African Origins , the marimbula is a wooden box with a hole in the middle with four or more metal strips , produces a bass like sound . This Instrument might have evolved out of the African thumb piano , Other Instruments Include Guarura which is a Sea Shell used as trumpets .
The Corpus Christi of Venezuela .
The Corpus Christi is celebrated by Enslaved Africans there are many Saints which is represented in the African way with the African music Including Yoruba Ifa deities and some of the Vodu deities are being Invoked through their Catholic Saints actually Catholicism was forced on Enslaved Africans during their arrival and being captured from Africa followed by festivals such as Semana Santa , Virgen del Rosario , Christmas and Other festivals.
Lt. Pedro Camejo an African-Venezuelan ( Afro-Venezuelan ) Soldier , Liberator and Warrior of Venezuela , South America .
Lt. Pedro Camejo African Venezuelan Soldier, Liberator and Warrior of Venezuela. Lt. Pedro Camejo was born in San Juan de Payra in Venezuela in the late 1700s he was the first black man who fought in royal army, he rebelled against the Spanish and fought against them in an army during War of Venezuela Independence reached the rank of lieutenant. Pedro always fought in the battlefield he was one of the only officer in the Simon bolivar army, he fought with one of the Calvary regiments of the first division which was commanded by Jose Paez, he joined the cause of liberation in 1816 and entered the ranks in Apure of Jose Paez.
According to Anthropologist Alonzo In 1818 General Simon Bolivar arrived in San Juan de Paya, Venezuela during the development of the campaign center also Pedro was considered as a liberator who led the ranks of the republican army , it is said he was born into Slavery and it was believed that he was forced to severed in the Spanish military which he fought aganist during the battle of Independence led by Simon Bolivar in 1816 until 1821 the 2nd battle of Carabobo against the army of Miguel de la Torre which led to Independence.
He served under General Jose Paez apart from playing a significant role for Venezuela and was elected after 1831 he was refered as El negra primero the first Black who came along for emancipation from slavery struggle for Independence from Spain and he defended Lt. Jose Cordoba who was assassinated then he met Simon they took part in the battle of Las Queseras del medio in 1819 with his friend called Trindad Traveso the Calvary lieutenant Pedro Camejo was also mudered during the battle of Carabado on 24th June, 1824 he was the evocative symbol of black power in Venezuela. According to other Afro- Venezuelan his parents were African who were brought as slaves from Africa to Guadeloupe before they were shipped to Venezuela and worked on the plantations,
During the first battle him and other patriots fought for Boves Paez had to imposed their authority and discipline because he said they are not limited to win battles especially Blacks in Venezuela entered the War of Independence in its beginning of the realistic side of which deseteria changed the side and passed the patriotism in 1816. Pedro and Bolivar gave a very frank explanation why they fought at the beginning of the realistic side they believed it was very satisfactory and possible to win confidence there were blacks among the 150 lancers who participated in the battle in 1819 in order of black liberation to gain their victory, on every 25th June it is a national hero day to honor the first negros who contributed along with other heroes of Venezuela throughout his life he was known as a Soldier, compassionate, loving, Warrior and Brave who dedicated himself and fought in both battles , he had the nickname known as black first and people were inspired by his boldness he was considered to be the only black man who formed the first line of attack on the battlefields during the wars and it is also attributed to his having been the only officer of colour in the army his last word before he died ” General here, I come to say goodbye before i die”. – Honourable Lt. Pedro Camejo.
Below are Poetry and Song i came across dedicated to his Honourable Lt. Pedro Camejo.
1. Negro Primero .
Song 2. Francisco Montoya- FG Negro Primero.
El Rey Miguel an African Freedom Fighter of Venezuela .
It is believed El Rey Miguel was born in either West Africa or Central Africa and he was brought by the Europeans to what is now Present day Venezuela , his birthdate was not recorded and he was brought from either West Africa or Central Africa in chains to work in the mine of Buria close to Nirgua , in the actual State of Yaracuy . El Rey Miguel led the African People to rebel against their Spanish Owners , El Rey Miguel also known as En Ingles or King Miguel , Others believed El Rey Miguel might be from Present day Benin , Present day Congo or Present day Angola . Miguel’s wife was known as Reina Guimar , Miguel and his wife followed by his son established a maroon settlement known as Cumbe also referred as Cimarron or Cucumbe the escaped runaway slave settlement .
It is believed Miguel was born either in the Kingdoms of Africa such as Kingdom of Dahomey what is now Present day Benin , Kingdom of Kongo , Kingdom of Matamba his origins is not confirmed yet according to such claims .
El Rey Miguel reigned as a ruler throughout the region of the rebels and El Rey Miguel gathered his people and killed the Spanish Slave masters during the rebellion in 1553 and Miguel with other Enslaved Africans built a moat around their newly formed township . They began to slowly build Cumbe and organized the first black government , built homes and Miguel became the Spiritual leader who taught the Maroons of Cimarrones and Enslaved Africans in general to practice their African Indigenous Spirituality brought from Africa during Slave Trade .
Miguel set hundreds of Enslaved Africans free and they all gathered such as the blacks , mulattos and zambos then fought the Spanish to gain their freedom or liberty . It is said Miguel and his Army hide in the plantations and began to unite the Enslaved Africans and formed Cumbe later Miguel became the King , his wife became the Queen and his son became the Prince of Cumbe after they fought , The Spanish planned and also assassinated King El Rey Miguel when Miguel was died Spanish went ahead to enslave Africans again . In 1720 , There were about 30,000 Freed Africans living in Cumbe , Venezuela while 60,000 were still being enslaved by force .