History of Afro Bahamians People of African Ancestry Bahamas, Carribeans .
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Afro Bahamians are descendants of Freed and Enslaved Africans who were captured by Europeans especially from Present day Benin , Present day Ghana , Present day Ivory Coast , Present day Togo , Present day Nigeria , Present day Burkina Faso , Present day Sierra Leone , Present day Liberia , Present day Congos , Present day Congos , Present day Cameroon, Present day Guinea Bissau , Present day Guinea, Present day Angola , Present day Mozambique , Other parts of West and Central Africa. It is believed they came from African ethnic groups such as Igbo, Ashanti or Asante , Fante or Fanti , Nzema , Ahanta , Ga Dangme , Fon , Edo or Bini , Hausa , Mbundu ,Makua, Chamba, Wolof, Mandinka, Chokwe, Lunda, Kikongo, Kpelle, Fulani , Kanuri , Temne, Vai, Bulom , Sherebro , Urhobo, Ogoni , Yombe , Bangwa , few Yoruba , Lobi , Fang also Bahamas has a strong Ahanta , Fante and Igbo Influences and some came from other ethnic group across West and Central Africa . It is believed enslaved Africans were also brought from Bermuda in the 17th Century as well as Africa between 18th and 19th Centuries .
It is believed they are mixed with Arawakan and African Ancestry furthermore , Bahamas derived from the word “Baja mar” in Spanish language meaning shallow water or sea”. Maroons of Bahamas were believed to be of mostly Asante, Ahanta and Fante ancestry the population resides on New Providence Island the location of Nassau . It is believed Many of their African Ancestors who came from Africa arrived in Bahamas when the Islands in Bahamas staying area for the Slave trade in the early 1800s.Others , accompanied 1,000 of the British loyalists had fled to the American Colonies during the revolutionary War .
It is believed enslaved Africans also came from Bermuda and Haiti which formed the largest community in the Bahamas they were estimated 30,000 to 60,000 to be legally or illegally , concentrated on New Providence , Abaco amd Eleuthera Islands . The Bahamas or Bahamas Creole is mixed up with some Igbo , Kikongo , Fulani , some Ahanta with some Fante it is considered as a English based Creole with some African language spoken mainly in Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands .
The Bahamas national flag was Introduced in 1973. The left side consists of a black triangle with a horizontal yellow stripe flanked by 2 bright blue stripes . The yellow symbolizes the sunny climate , and blue symbolizes the sea and black symbolize the African race . During the post emancipation , in 1830s and 1840s, tensions rose between Britain and the US after American merchant ships, were part of the coastwise Slave trade , put into Nassau or were wrecked on hsreefs.
This Include the Hermosa In 1840 and the Creole in 1841, the latter brought in after a slave revolt on board. The British had notified nations that enslaved Africans brought from Africa to Bahamas and Bermuda waters would forfeited and enslaved Africans , refusing U.S. efforts to recorder them . In 1851, Americans and British signed a treaty around 1814, they were submitted and demand payment In 1855. During the American Civil war, It is said Bahamas as a base confederate blockade running , bringing in the cotton to be shipped running out arms and munitions .
Bahamas is made of whites, mixed races and African race , It is said In 1838, 1,043 enslaved Igbo , Yoruba and Akan as well as Egbar enslaved Africans were brought to Cuba then to Nassau, Bahamas by 2 British men, captured from Africa, bound for Slavery in the fields sugar of Bahamas by the british. In Bahamas they are Africans , Lucayan which is part of the Arawak People, It is said Bahamas became a british Colony In 1718, after the American War of Independence , 1,000 of the Colonist of the American revolutionary period who supported the British cause by enslaving Africans to Bahamas.
It is believed British Slave trade was abolished in 1807, It is believed Navy resettled many freed and Africans liberated from the illegal Slave Ships in Bahamas nearly 500 were also freed Africans from the US Merchant Ships by royal Navy 85 percent of the Bahamas population are people of African Ancestry about 2/3 of the population . Others believed Peter Mowell was the last Slave Ship in Bahamas abolished in Britain In 1807, Slave trade continued the Americas well past emancipation in 1834. In 1860, a Slave ship en route to Cuba , carrying mostly enslaved Africans , weekly at Lynyard Cay In the Abacos.
Once on the Bahamas Soil enslaved Africans suffered a lot during Slavery , In 1830, 77 enslaved Africans on the Lord rolle’s Plantation in Steventon , Exuma , a rebellion took place which enslaved African men and enslaved African women fled to the forest or bush rather than be moved before they provisions ran out of 44 of them returned and seized Lord rolle’s Salt boat .
During the revolt it spread throughout and abolition of Slavery became full emancipation in 1838, there are walls of the jailhouse remain as a reminder of Slavery days at Steventon , Exuma . In Afro Bahamians, Culture , typical meals consists of fruits , vegetables, meat , fish , bread, rice their common dishes is known as Conch , an easily collected sea, snail, rice and peas . During holiday meals prepared are conch , rice, baked goods, fresh fruit , Bahamian rum, local and imported beer, soft drinks , tea and coffee are regularly consumed .
Their Cottage Industries produce Straw, shells, wooden items and had a major of producing rum , crawfish and cement . Family plays a significant role grandparents , In nuclear family households authority tends to be evenly divided. One of the crew members were forced by the Europeans to navigate enslaved Africans to Bahamas, It is believed Slavery was illegal in the british colonies the Afro Bahamians were considered as the majority of the enslaved people on the ship free however, remaining people who had been Involved in overtaking the ship were held and charged with mutiny. After the American revolution, 1,000 of British loyalists, took enslaved Africans and moved their farms to Bahamas where they set up a thriving plantation economy .
The Igbo came to Bahamas during Slave Trade fought and build their town settlements with the Maroons in Bahamas . Bahamas Slavery was described as the most horrendous violations of human rights when most of them were forced to labor and enslaved . Others believed Slave Trade in Bahamas was abolished In 1834, they have architecture such as Royal Victoria. The Royal Victoria Hotel which opened In 1861, survived through till 1971 when it finally destroy and was replaced by a Car park of all things , royal victoria minis for a painting that brings back the hotel’s long gone grandeur wonderful subtle it with this frontage .
Most of the Museums in Bahamas focus on the Slave revolt led by enslaved Africans they used weapons and machetes to revolt . Pompey’s revolt established that enslaved Africans could not be moved against their will without Impunity regularly from 1831 to 1834, there were many revolts led by Igbos in Exuma which made their slave masters weak .
According to Caribya’s account, Enslaved Africans were originally brought to Bahamas from Africa to work on the Islands cotton plantations . In 1834, enslaved Africans some were fishing , tradition medicine which was used Indigenous plants to health the sick also played a significant role .
There was a Lucayan Village sites, an Ocean bath carved from living rock , where enslaved Africans were washed following transport through the Middle Passage, and Loyalist Plantation , where 2 generations of enslaved Africans worked and died on the Whylly Plantation which dates back to the mid 18th Century. According to Smithsonian, when 135 enslaved Africans transported from Richardmond , Virginia to the Slave market in New Orleans In 1841, 18 of enslaved Africans revolted and killed one of their European Slave owner they later escaped and settled in Bahamas which was a British Colony , In Bahamas, The Pompey revolt of 1830, Involving the Slaved from Lord John Rolle’s Steventon, Exuma plantation .
In 1830, tension existed in the Colony of Bahamas, enslaved Africans wanted their full freedom and Slavery as a regime was dying . The arrival of the Colony’s new Governor known as Carmichael Smyth, on Lord John Rolle’s Steventon Exuma Plantation, some of the enslaved were notified that they would be moving to cat Island within 2 weeks . This time was insufficient for them to sell their Cattle, nor could they reap their recently planted crops. The enslaved Africans refused to be transferred.
Therefore, 44 of the enslaved Africans hid into bushes of Exuma, then got on Lord John Rolle’s boat , which they took to Nassau to present their case to Governor Smyth . Prior to achieving this goal, the enslaved Africans were Intercepted by a boat from Harbour Island in the waters off Nassau. The men and women received 50 lashes, Including two nursing women . When the Governor Smyth learnt about what occurred , he was betrayed and Immediately called for the suspension of Involved parties, Magistrate Duncombe , and A.J. Lees Duncombe authorize the flogging of enslaved Africans and enslaved Africans were Immediately excused and sent back to Exuma .
Upon the Sojourner, Other enslaved Africans stayed in Exuma who refused to work because Emancipation was afoot . Thomas Thompson , reports on the Island that enslaved Africans arrived on the Bahamas Islands from West Africa . The Exumas have the name Rolle , following emancipation many of freed enslaved Africans took on the name after Lord Rolle , a plantation owner who gave the land on Exuma Island to the people who were believed to be enslaved .
It is believed blackbeard was probably the most Infamous pirate to have terrorized the Islands of Bahamas . The Bahamas complex geography of Island and cays, It is said The Bahamas was the perfect playground for pirates In the 17th and 18th Centuries and tales of pirate flights and shipwrecks have been recanted through the generations of Island .
After Centuries of being pirates and raiders under the British rule the quaint Village of New Plymouth on Green turtle cays , The Bahamas was the perfect playground for pirates in the 17th and 18th Centuries and tales of pirate fights and Shipwrecks have been recanted through the generations of Island .
After Centuries of being have pirates and raiders under British rule the quaint village of new plymouth on Green turtle cay from revolutionary war loyalist , who settled Abacos Islands in 1783. It is said in 1648, about 28 freed Africans on the Island of Eleuthera and became known as Eleutherian Adventurers .
These 28 freed Africans were considered the first Africans to have arrived in Bahamas from Africa and Bermuda . In 1670, King Charles II demanded Africans as slaves to the Islands, also granted the Islands to the Lord proprietors of the Carolinas, who rented the Islands from the King with rights of trading, tax, appointing governors and ministering while enslaved Africans who came with Loyalists and resisted from the American War of Independence not to remain under the british rule and sugar revolution increased the number of enslaved Africans in the west Indian region, Europeans found a way to convert enslaved Africans who they were considered as defenseless and Inferiors calling them Pagan and demonizing their Spirituality.
Europeans Introduced Christianity to both enslaved and freed Africans but the freed ones continued to be relocated to the Bahamas Islands furthermore, hundreds of African Americans and Black Seminoles were believed to have escaped from Cape Florida to Bahamas , establishing a settlements and developed a village known in Red Bays. It is believed enslaved Africans were seized from ships that had been captured or shipwrecked while on the move to America or Cuba where enslaved Africans were still being traded by Europeans.
It is said 18 enslaved Africans went to Bermuda In 1825, 135 from Virginia to New Orleans 38 from Hermosa to the Abaco Islands in 1840. According to Ms. Rodgers, Slavery conditions in Bahamas they were various reasons for this large plantations were very rare and only a handful of Owners possessed more than 100 enslaved Africans . Each plantation slave family had its own plot of land on which vegetables and fruit were grown for home use. European Slave masters were cruel , evil who whipped enslaved Africans .
According to the Slave code of 1729, enslaved Africans could be whipped for many reasons such as escaping the plantations, causing a revolt for killing a White Slave Master or carrying stick or club. There from the plantations many times, their freedom was denied but they fought hard for their freedom. It is said many enslaved Africans were employed as fishermen. Others were cooking meals , washing , cleaning , hunting , farming, growing food or cotton .
The Month March was very busy month with torture , since it was picking of cotton season , they were forced to work on the cotton plantation the cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney , cotton gins were also used in Bahamas by Joseph Eve of Nassau it worked by wind rather than running water. The cotton was then packed in bales and sent off for sale . There were many different jobs done on the plantation on that of Charles Farquharson on San Salvador , there were about 50 people who were enslaved .
They had to prepare the land plant the Cotton , thin , weed , pick it, bale it , they grow food, corn, peas, yams, potatoes and they had to fish and cut wood furthermore, they tended the cattle and they built and mended fences, walls, thatched roofs and erected houses. The Pompey Museum of Slavery and emancipation of Vendue house . The Pompey Museum was named in honour of a Congerous enslaved African .
Pompey who lived the Rolle Plantation on Steventon Exuma , Bahamas Vendue house it was built before 1769 and continued as a marketplace until late 1800s . Enslaved Africans and their commodities were sold by Europeans at Vendue house during the 18th and 19th Centuries and Pompey became a Museum In 1992 and the slavery wall located 3 miles south of the remains of a high rock wall constructed by enslaved Africans in the late 18th Century and It is now a habitat for giant white crabs during crabbing season .
According to Magian media studio, the struggle for freedom in bahamas enslavement of Africans is delivered in seven distinct periods. The Sails of each sailing carries texts and Images about historical events from 1648 to the nation’s Independence from Colonial Britain in 1973. In 1860, on the Lynard Cary in the Abaco chains of Islands with a Cargo ships of 400 enslaved Africans brought from Africa to Bahamas . On the Golden Grove a plantation that gained widespread authority after the 1831 Slave Uprising .
Others believed Europeans who carried firearms and alcohol from England to Africa, then shipped enslaved Africans to Bahamas and earned profit from shipping companies and the Pompey Slave revolt was led mostly the Igbo People of Nigeria , Igbos have a long history of revolts in Bahamas, Barbados, Belize and other parts of the Carribeans.
The Afro Bahamian Culture of Bahamas.
In Afro Bahamian Culture, typical meals consists of the fruits, vegetables, meat, fish , bread, rice, their common dishes is known as Conch, an easily collected Sea, Snail, rice and peas.
During holidays meals prepared are Conch, rice , baked goods, fresh fruit , Bahamian rum local and Imported beer, soft drinks, tea and coffee are regularly consumed. Their cottage Industries produce straw, shells, wooden items and had major of producing rum, crawfish and cement . Family plays a big role grandparents , In nuclear family households, authority tends to be evenly divided between one of the crew members . Folklore , folk dancing and competitive games like greasy pole and plaiting the pole. They used a traditional drum made out of a goat skin, Goombay traditional music which is combined with Akan , Fon , Igbo and some english Influences .
It is believed enslaved Africans had few resources on the plantations with they create Instruments , rake and scrape bands had drums made out of a pork barrel , goatskin, bush medicine is an Indigenous used for medicinal purpose and enslaved Africans brought it with them almost 100 plants . Straw markets Include handmade mats , baskets , woodcarving and guava jellies, between the husband and the wife . Inheritance Include sons and daughters which they inherit from both parents , Inherited Properties Including land , houses, boats and kin groups. It is believed there is no formal kin groups larger than the family exist.
Adult Siblings tend to look after each other’s Interests. In their tradition, Children are Socialized in traditional adult roles. Girls care for their Siblings there is also a traditional dolls, oral literature is about the telling of old stories and written historical , poetry and novels .
John Canoe and Junkanoo Festival of Bahamas.
John Canoe also known as John Kenu , John Junkanoo or John Connu was believed to be an Ahanta by tribe , Others claimed he was either an Nzema or Fante or Fanti , It is believed John Canoe was considered to be a tribal Chief of Ahanta who hail from Axim, Western Region of Ghana and Others claimed he was a Fante who hail from Ajumako , Central Region , Ajumako is the home town of enslaved African known as Ottobah Cugoano an Abolitionist of the 18th Century .
Junkanoo is a festival celebrated in Bahamas, Guyana, Bermuda and some parts of Saint Vincent Islands and Other parts of the Carribeans . Other narrations , it is said John Canoe was forced into Slavery and he was brought to the West Indies between 16th and 17th Century around the Christmas season , events such as Scrape bands, limbo dancing , folk dancing the Junkanoo masquerades is similar to the Igbo and the fancy dress is likely of Fante and Ahanta Origins .
Junkanoo is also believed to be the African version of Christmas which began before 1720 , after emancipation their tradition continued Junkanoo evolved some African practices from simple origins to a formal organized parade with Intricate costumes , themed music and various categories. Junkanoo begins once a year of the summer the capital of Nassau Islands which usually takes place on Saturdays In July, attracts thousands of local and tourist who came and celebrate the unique traditions and Culture.
The membranophones the goombay drum is the main rhythmic component in rake and scrape , It is decorated by simple design in bright Colours or Colors, Idiophones this Instrument is scraped with a nail or butter knife , straw weaving traditional crafts Include plaiting or braiding style , creating beautiful hats and baskets .
Calypso is an Afro Caribbean music which is spread throughout Bahamas, Dominica, St. Vincent and other parts of the Caribbean and Soca is a form of dance music which is combined with the African melodic liting sound of Calypso .
Junkanoo music instruments are made consists of drums , cowbells, horns, whistles, brass , clapper and Junkanoo festival is a street parade festival with music , dance and costumes which of Akan Origin which It is believed it has both Ahanta and Fante Influences also it is held in many towns across Bahamas every boxing , new year’s day and the largest Junkanoo parade take place in the capital of Nassau.
Junkanoo is a festival which originated from Ahanta and Fante which are considered to be Akan the festival is dedicated to an Ahanta known as John Canoe also known as John Kenu and Fancy dress are worn as well Junkanoo is also known as Kakamotobi Festival celebrated in the Carribeans .