Brief background of Modibo Mohammed Al- Kaburi an African Scholar

Brief background of Modibo Mohammed Al- Kaburi an African Scholar

Modibo Mohammed Al- Kaburi an African Scholar and a Professor of Sankore University.
Modibo Mohammed Al- Kaburi was an African Scholar and Fulani by ethnicity, he hails from Timbuktu in Mali, He was a Professor, Jurist, Cadi at Sankore Madrasah this place was one of the three ancient centers of learning in Timbuktu this include three mosques , It is believed Sidi Yahya composed it as University of Timbuktu , Madrasah simply means School or University in Arabic and Sankore meaning a white nobles . It is believed it was built during the 15th Century, Modibo was known for his pious and his devotional character and the people celebrated him for his piety, becoming a companion with many of the most devout scholars at Sankore, he is remembered for having established the curriculum used by later scholars at Sankore University .  
According to Zulkifli Khari , the University of Sankore was part and it is important to the Islamic Civilization even though it was less known in comparison to Al- Azhar , Al- Qayrawana, Al- Qarawiyyin and Qurtuba Universities , It is believed it was a great intellectual institution dating back to civilizations in Mali , Ghana and Songhay particularly during the 12th Century to 16th Century , University of Sankore is often referred as University of Timbuktu as there are two other universities in Timbuktu , which is the Jingaray Ber and Sidi Yahya , University of Sankore is located in the North east district of Timbuktu and housed within the Sankore mosque . 

 The Sankore mosque was founded in 989 CE by the late Chief Judge of Timbuktu , Al – Qadi Aqib Ibn Mahmud , Ibn Umar , he had built the inner court of the mosque parallel to the exact dimensions of the Ka’abah in Makkah , a wealthy Mandinka woman financed the Sankore University making it a learning and leading Centre of education .  
The Sankore University prospered and became a very significant seat of learning especially under the reign of Mansa Musa from 1307- 1322and Askia Dynasty from 1493- 1591 , the University of Sankore was one of the world’s famous learning centers during the middle ages .  
It is believed the Sankore had no central administration , rather it was composed of several entirely Independent schools or colleges , each run by a single scholar or professor , these courses took place in the open courtyards , the principles taught at University of Sankore include Quran and Islamic studies , law along with literature , other subjects included medicine , surgery , astronomy , mathematics , physics , biology , chemistry , agriculture , business , philosophy , geography , language , history as well as art . Students of ancient Sankore were able to spend time learning in a trade along with relevant business , Sankore had trade shops , classes such as business , carpentry , farming , law , fishing , constructing, shoe making , tailoring and navigation apart from that memorizing Quran and mastering their local languages and Arabic was compulsory the lingua franca of University as well as the language of trade and commerce in Timbuktu with understanding a few manuscripts which are in Songhay , Arabic and other local languages all remaining 70 , 000 manuscripts , during graduation ceremony , the graduates wear their traditional turban , they had to demonstrate excellent character and care values , education prior to receiving their graduation invitation .  
Around the 12th Century there was an attendance of 25, 000 students in which in turn produced the world- class scholars recognized by their publications and graduates, other heroes were celebrated such as Modibo Mohammed Al- Kaburi, Mohammed Bagayogo , Mohammed Ibn Utman , Abu Abdullah and Al- Mukhtar An – Nawahi . Scholars such as Modibo Mohammed Al- Kaburi discovered and developed gun powder and explosive weapons in the 13th Century in addition , Sakore had no less than 20 million manuscripts many of them proved to Arabs that we the blacks were not illiterate nor ignorant but we were also smarter like others .
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