Message to Torgbe Adzadiaku V Chief Of Logba Alakpeti.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Dear Torgbe,
Is me your son and your prodigal son and one of the vagabonds yet still you still loves me all because no matter how I got it wrong you still maintain that love for me particular and since I started this whole life anytime I got the opportunity to seat or get close to you, you first call me your Shatta wale all because of you yourself you grew up in La so you know wassup Sir" .
Fast forward Torgbe please let it go because I've had the opportunity to hear the side of the story concerning our 20-30 years Chieftaincy Dispute Sir And I think through the conversation u've really shared with me the true state of history concerning our great land Logba yes you may disagreed with them yes but they may also disagree with you but in all we speak the common language IKPANA.
Torgbe please again is about time we must embraced each other and build a strong Logba tho this may not come easy but I think we should all start from somewhere and can we start going to Awuanafest @Logba Tota This year? This is just my opinion oo sir"
Anyway more to come on this developments because charity they say begins at home so Torgbe please we must start Sweeping our homes sir,
Yours faithfully"
Your son Ozy Adzimah
( Ozybwoy )