Volta: Ave Dakpa town management committee inaugurated.
Saturday, July 2, 2022
The chiefs and people of Ave Dakpa in the Akatsi North District of the Volta Region have inaugurated their Town Management Committee (TMC) at a colourful ceremony at Ave Dakpa, the administrative capital.
The formation of the Committee was done in consultation with the Paramount Chief of the Ave Dakpa Traditional Area and President of the Ave Dakpa Traditional Council, His Royal Highness, Torgbui Nyamekor Glakpe V.
It was aimed among other things at partnering with the chiefs and elders to iron out some major differences militating against the peaceful co-existence of the chiefs and their developmental goals.
Even though attempts are being made by the chiefs and other stakeholders to iron out these differences, the rate of success has been slow hence the formation of the Committee which would act as a catalyst to realize the holistic dreams and vision of the people.
Speaking at the inaugural event which was attended by a large number of high-profile dignitaries and traditional rulers, the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Emmanuel Perry Nyamekor noted that Ave Dakpa is lucky to have a high caliber of abundant human resource and professionals dotted within and outside the country, adding that there can be no reason why these talents cannot be tapped into to turn round the economic and social fortunes of the district including the traditional area.
He announced that the Committee is currently assembling some of these experts and professionals to assist in certain key areas with their skills and competencies for a living solution to the issues which would subsequently boost the development of the traditional area and ultimately impact on the lives of the residents. These focused or thematic areas, Mr. Nyamekor mentioned are Education, Environment Sanitation, Agriculture and Youth Development.
The Committee Chair expressed concern about the abysmal performance of students at the Senior High School level, adding that the situation has not been encouraging against the background that there are seasoned teachers and education workers that can lead the move for a paradigm shift since knowledge, it is said is power.
On Environmental Sanitation, Mr. Nyamekor noted that erosion has destroyed most streets and roads within the district capital including the main road leading to the public cemetery. According to him, these deplorable roads and poor sanitation issues continue to bedevil Ave Dakpa and its environs, emphasizing that these are the realities.
There are refuse bins most often than not overflowing their capacities resulting in spill-overs that cause serious stench with its attendant health implications.
Mr. Nyamekor noted that the role of the youth in the present and future development of Ave Dakpa in particular and the entire district in general cannot be over-emphasized. He lamented about the negative attitudes of the youth which he noted usually push them into anti-social voices such as indiscipline, agents of violence, ritual murders as well as drug or substance abuse amongst others. These are the issues that must catch the attention of all and sundry.
Mr. Nyamekor observed that one cannot do the same thing all the time and expect a different result. ‘The time has come for us to be innovative, break the status quo and think outside the box’, the Committee Chair intimated.
The Chairman was worried that the youth of today are not showing interest in agriculture which is an important age-old occupation of society. He observed that many of the youth now see farming as jobs for the uneducated, school drop-outs and the less-privileged, a situation he stressed must change as against commercial motorbike services that seem to be taking the youth away from the farm.
He assured the chiefs and queen-mothers that the Committee has not been established to take over their leadership roles as traditional leaders and challenged the members of the Committee and other stakeholders in the area to come out with strategies that would advance the course of Ave Dakpa devoid of politics.
The District Chief Executive (DCE) for the area, Hon. Peter Ofosu lauded the efforts of the citizens of Ave Dakpa and the traditional leaders of the area at fostering unity among their rank and file for total peace and development.
He pledged his support and that of his administration to the Committee towards the realization of its aims and objectives.
Speaking in an interview with our newsteam, Paramount Chief of the Ave Dakpa Traditional Area, His Royal Highness, Torgbui Nyamekor Glakpe V stressed the need for unity and effective co-operation and understanding among the chiefs and the citizenry. In his view, it is only through such unified efforts that Ave Dakpa can get its fair share of development or the national cake from the central government.
The Committee has Mr. Richard Awudza as its Vice Chairman and Mr. Coffie Vormawor as Secretary. Other members of the Committee include Ms. Margaret Ganyo, Mr. Godwin Ayisu and Mr. Alex Doe. The rest are Ms. Justine Alornyo, Mr. Christian Agbozo and Mr. Patrick Kwame Ahiabu.
Source: Akukorku media