Volta: 1996 Year batch of Awusco donates to Alma Mata.

Volta: 1996 Year batch of Awusco donates to Alma Mata.

The 1996 year batch of the old students of the Awudome Senior High School at Awudome Tsito in the Ho West district of the Volta Region have supported their alma mater with ten (10) LED streetlights, seven hundred (700) branded pens and an amount of One Thousand Ghana Cedis (Ghc1000.00) towards the installation of the lights on vantage points on the school compound. 
The event coincided with the inauguration of the new executives of the year group.

The support by the 1996 year batch of the old students of AWUSCO came at a time when the school is in dire need of many facilities including desktop computers for its ICT centre.
The school which was established in 1963 has produced thousands of old students who are not only dotted within and outside the country but also contributing their quota to national development.

The two-day home-coming event was also used by the group members to acquaint themselves with the realities of their school situation. The old students spent the weekend on campus and had a feel of the situation their younger brothers and sisters go through as students in the current educational dispensation.

New executives of the year batch were sworn into office during the occasion. Speaking at the joint event, the out-going President of the year group, Mr. Manasseh Amu emphasized that AWUSCO needs the support of their old boys and girls in order to move the school forward to a higher pedestal. 
He was grateful to the various committee members of the Association for the great work done over the years in order to achieve unity and advancement of the Association. 

He also lauded the efforts of the members in their quest to assist their alma mater and urged them not to rest on their oars.

The new President, Ingineer Patu called for total commitment by all old students to improve the lot of their alma mater, adding that no excuse beyond this goal should be accepted. According to him, AWUSCO has made them what they are today, emphasizing that there is the need to give back to that society for its total advancement and development.
He pledged on behalf of his colleagues to work harder in order to realize the vision and aspirations of the old student body in particular and AWUSCO at large.
The Headmaster of the school, Mr. Courage Meteku was grateful to the year group for the gesture. In his view, the items had come at the right time, saying the support would go a long way to improve not only the academic work of the students but also ensure the safety of the students on the compound.
He used the occasion to renew his appeal to the old students, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), philanthropists as well as all public spirited individuals and institutions to assist the school with desktop computers to augment the limited number of computers in its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) laboratory. 

Mr. Meteku lamented that due to the limited number of computers at the school, final year students of the school always write their final year Senior High School Certificate ICT Practical Examination at Mawuli School, Ho, a situation he described as worrying.

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