The historic town called Dzodze.

The historic town called Dzodze.

Dzodze is a small town and it is the capital of the Ketu North municipality in the southeastern part of the Volta Region of Ghana. 

 Dzodze is located near the border between Togo and Ghana, and lies 199 kilometers from the capital of Ghana, Accra through Tokor and 87 kilometers from Ho, the regional capital.

The meaning of Dzodze.

Dzodze is an Ewe language: Dzo = to fly. Dze = to land. Dzodze = flew and landed.

 According to the historical facts, Torgbui Adzomefia's nephew Torgbui Amegayibor managed to cross the Aka river and settled on the part of the forest where his uncle Torgbui Adzomefia, and his people had already settled. 
During one of Torgbui Amegayibor's expeditions, he saw a cloud of smoke billowing from afar. He traced it to his uncle's village.

 He wondered how his uncle, and his family managed to cross the Aka River because he didn't see any human activity en route to the settlement.
 He asked his uncle, Torgbui Adzomefia, the means by which he got into the forest. 
This was the answer he got from his uncle; 'De mie dzo va dze.' we flew and landed. 

This has brought out the name Dzodze.

The town has been bounded by the following communities Adagbledu,Ablorme,Apeyeme,Fiagbedu,Kporduave,Dafornyami,Bedzame,Afiadenyigba,Deme ,Tornu,Kave,Kasu,Kpelikorfe,Dalikofe, Kuli and atsukorpe.

The inhabitants of Dzodze are primarily Ghanaian nationals who settled down after the exodus of Ewe people from Notsie in Togo to the South West of Ghana sometime in the later part of the seventeenth century, The Ewe language is the most widely spoken language in the town.

The main occupations of the people in this noble town is trading and persistent farming.
Most people ventured into businesses since they are closer to the neighboring country 'Togo' and transacting business in this area is very easy.

This very town has beautiful hotels including Whitedove hotel,MIKE G hotel,Travellers inn,My Honest Queen Guesthouse and recreational facilities like,Akanu Border post,Tornu Catholic sacred heart shrine which serves as tourism sites.

Dzodze has produced industrous and great sons and daughters who are contributing to the development of this country.

These great personalities includesTorgbui Dey lll,Late Torgbui Bese lll,Prince Klugah Ahiadzro,CCK Dzakpasu,Kofi Agbedor Kassah, Hestion Azaglo, Todgbui Adzofia Vl,Modestus Ahiable, Papa Gafah Dzakpasu, Kofi Lawson,Kofi Dzameshi (The Minister of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs)
 Professor Cletus Dordunu, Colonel Dordunu, Prof Ahiatrogah of UCC, John Dogba, formerly 2nd in Command, National Security, Francis Loloh, Snr Official, Bank of Ghana, and renowned Lecturers, Tutors and Teachers like Gertrude Kwabla, Miss Avorgbedor (retired), Late Teacher & Culturalist Mr Akpaka, Chartered Accountant Moses Ahiabu, Johnson Yao Fiebor, indefatigable Lecturer, Ho Technical University, Chartered Accountant, Mozart Homawoo, Johnny Dzakpasu, Victoria Dzakpasu, brothers and sisters, who are the trail blazers of formal education in Dzodze, Abofra families of Dzodze and South Africa, Lawyer Leonard Sedzro, Chartered Accountant, Sedzro of HTU and many more.

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