NDC’S ‘Father for All’ policy will not be tolerated – Hon. Dzudzorli Gakpey.

NDC’S ‘Father for All’ policy will not be tolerated – Hon. Dzudzorli Gakpey.

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Keta Constituency in the Volta Region, Hon. Kwame Dzudzorli Gakpey has stated that the opposition NDC party’s ‘father for all’ policy would no longer be tolerated when the party returns to power in the near future. 
Speaking in an interview with our newsteam at Dabala in the South Tongu district, Mr. Gakpey noted that such a policy has not been helpful to the NDC in the past.

In spite of some of the inroads made by the NPP in the Volta Region in the last general elections, the region continues to be the stronghold of the opposition NDC.

As part of efforts to deepen the education of constituents on both local and national issues, Members of Parliament (MPs) in the southern sector of the Volta Region have begun a joint monthly radio discussion programme dubbed, ‘You and Your MPs’ on Sela Radio at Dabala in the South Tongu district.
The second edition of the event brought together the MP for South Tongu, Hon. Wisdom Kobena Mensah Woyome, MP for the Anlo Constituency, Hon. Richard Kwame Sefe and the Keta MP, Hon. Kwame Dzudzorli Gakpey. Some of the issues discussed in this edition of the programme included the recent controversial national cathedral project, the presidential travels and jet issues of the President, the on-going closed fishing season, the high cost of goods, services and fuel as well as the slow pace of development in the region.

In the first edition of the event in June, 2022, the three (3) Tongu MPs namely Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa for North Tongu, Hon. Alexander Gabby Hottordze for Central Tongu and Hon. Wisdom Kobena Mensah Woyome for the South Tongu Constituency, were hosted by Sela Radio’s Morning Show host, Mr. Mohammed Abidina in the three-hour discussion programme.

Speaking in an interview with our newsteam after the second edition of the radio series programme, MP for the Keta Constituency, Hon. Kwame Dzudzorli Gakpey said the NDC’s ‘father for all’ policy would not be entertained anymore by the MPs in the region when the party hopefully returns to power in January, 2025. 

According to him, the situation where many people sacrificed for the party in the past but eventually sidelined at the expense of others brought from nowhere, would be a thing of the past. ‘This time round, if you don’t contribute to the party’s victory or fortunes, you will not be rewarded’, Mr. Gakpey emphasized.

He also lamented about the difficult economic conditions of Ghanaians in recent times, blaming the NPP for the country’s woes resulting from what he described as the lack of ideas and the mismanagement of the limited resources of the country.

The MP for the Anlo Constituency, Hon. Richard Kwame Sefe accused the President of profligacy spending particularly on his foreign travels which according to him, have not only become a financial burden on the economy but also deepened the feeling of the millions of Ghanaians that the President and his NPP government are insensitive to the economic and social plight of the people. 

The MP for South Tongu, Hon. Mensah Kobena Woyome touched on the essence of the programme, explaining that it would be sustained for the benefit of the beneficial constituents and all Ghanaians in general. 
He maintained that as opposition MPs in Parliament, who are supposed to keep the Executive arm of government in check, they have always drawn government’s attention to the many flaws in many of their policies but these red flags were blatantly ignored.

In his view, Ghana would not have gone to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a bail-out if government had heeded to good and wise advice and counsel from a responsible opposition like the NDC.
In all, more than thirty (30) calls came from the constituents of the three (3) MPs on the programme in addition to some from the Akatsi South Constituency whose MP, Hon. Bernard Ahiafor could not make it to the programme. The MPs used the opportunity to answer such questions including the issues raised and assured them of their commitment as MPs to doing more to improve their lot.

Source: Akukorku media 
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