History of Anyako Community.

History of Anyako Community.

Anyako is a fishing community in the Keta Municipality in the Volta region of Ghana. Majority of the locals are fisherfolks and traders.

Anyako is bordered at the south by the Keta lagoon near Tsiame, Heluvi, Abor, Weme and Atiavi. The inhabitants of the town mainly belong to the Ewe tribe.

The name of very town comes from two different words, and here is meaning of this lovely community.
Anya = personal name; ko = island: Anya's Island
"Anyako is a small island, perhaps a peninsula within the Volta Region of Ghana which is bordered at the south by the Keta lagoon.

 The town traces its establishment to a settlement founded by the Anlos during the migration from Notsie in present-day Togo.

Anyako is a small island, perhaps a peninsula within the Keta lagoon. It is believed that the island was first inhabited by two brothers. The first brother Kpebiseyisu settled on the end of the island and called it Konu (Kpoanu) meaning, the end of the island. His younger brother Anya settled in the middle of the island and named it Anyako after himself.

Anyako-Konu is basically a twin town, however, the two towns are almost always referred to as Anyako. If you are going to this area, check out Abor, Weme, Sasieme, Heluvi, Atsiame and many more.

It is one of the towns in the Volta region that have more storey buildings. This is to manage a land space and also to protect themselves from the occasional tidal waves. This gives the town a tourism value.

The Anyako lagoon, which is also called Anlo – Keta lagoon is the largest of the over 90 lagoons that cover the 550km stretch of the coastline of Ghana. 

This lagoon is 126.13km in length. It is located in the eastern coast of Ghana and separated from the Gulf of Guinea by a narrow strip of sandbar. This open salty water is surrounded by flood plains and mangrove swamps.
 Together they form the Keta lagoon ramsar site which covers an area of 1200km. There are seasonal inflows of sea water during high tide from the Gulf of Guinea and also from some smaller streams. The streams which drain into the lagoon include the Aka, the Tordzi and Belikpa which enter the lagoon from the north.

The lagoon is surrounded by many settlements. The towns include Anloga, Woe, Keta and Kedzi to the south, Atiavi and Anlo – Afiadenyigba to the north. Kodzi, Alakple and Tregui to the west and Denu and Adina to the east.

Over the years, population growth, extensive human activities and climate change contributed to the reduction in volume of water in the lagoon

During major fishing seasons, the place is a sight to behold. Canoes are dotted all over the lagoon as fishermen go on their fishing expeditions. The shores are crowded with people, mostly fish mongers, who wait for the fishermen to arrive.

The town is blessed with a senior school and three basic and Junior Schools.The second cycle institutions is known as Anyako Secondary School which is a (Formerly known as Anlo Awoamefia school). The Basic and Junior Schools are E.P. Basic School, A.A. Fia/L.A. Basic and Junior Schools, and R.C. Basic and Junior Schools.

Some popular foods eaten by the locals include Akple or Banku, Yakayake, Abolo and Gbɔvilolo kalami.

The following are communities around Anyako , Konu,Atigate,Aborme,Woeto,Lashibi,Aƒegame and Kpota.
Historically the town is the birthplace of The great Ewe poet Hesinor Vinorko Akpalu Akpa. (Torgbui Akpalu), the renown traditional music composer, who was well-known all over the land for his rich repertoire and gift in traditional composition. 

Charles Kobla Nutornutsi Wovenu, The founder, Apostles’ Revelation Society (ARS) also hailed from Anyako.
 Kobla Ladzekpo, the founder and director of Zadonu African Music and Dance Company in U.S.A. and Artist El Anatsui. 
Anyako has produced lots of political figures in Ghana's history. The 1st Inspector General of Police of Ghana John Willie Kofi Harlley who was also a former foreign minister of Ghana; and a member of the Presidential Commission that ruled Ghana during the military era of the National Liberation Council came from Anyako.

There are alot of clan names one may hear when he or she visits this unique fishing town such as Attipoe,Akaba,Dzokoto,Segbefia,Sedegah,Fiakpornu,Anaglatey, Fianu,Gligu,Bonuedi, Fianu.

The town has experienced little to no growth over the past thirty years due to sea erosion which affected commercial activities.

If authorities could develop the tourism potentials of the lagoon, it would help protect the water body and also help better the economic conditions of the people.

Source :DeWalking Foto-Journalist
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