Brief  background of Rev. Wisdom Amegble.

Brief background of Rev. Wisdom Amegble.

Rev. Wisdom Amegble is a Parishioner of Ss Peter and Paul Parish, Dzodze and comes from Dzodze. 
He had his Basic Education in Dzodze and then proceeded to St. Paul's Minor Seminary, Denu for his Second Cycle Education. After a successful completion, he continued to St. Mary's Minor Seminary, Lolobi for his Pre-Philosophical Studies and then to St. Paul's Major Seminary, Sowutuom for his Philosophical Studies. He finally gain admission to St. Peter's Major Seminary, Pedu for his Theological Studies and graduated successfully. 

He was ordained a Deacon in December 2021 by Most Rev. Gabriel Edoe Kumordjie (SVD). Bishop of Keta-Akatsi Diocese.

He had his pastoral assignment in some parishes like: Dabala, Agbozume, Tsiame, Abor, Dakpa. 

He has for his Theme :
"Zeal for your house consumes me therefore; I press on (Ps. 69:9 & Phil 3:12)

Let us remember to say a prayer for him and his two other brothers to be ordained into the Priesthood on 6th August 2022 at Holy Cross Parish, Sogakope 

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