Police threatens to arrest "Arise Ghana" demonstration organisers.

Police threatens to arrest "Arise Ghana" demonstration organisers.

The Ghana Police Service, has announced its readiness to arrest and prosecute, the leaders of a group calling itself "Arise Ghana" which took thousands of Ghanaian youth onto the streets on Tuesday, to vehemently oppose the manner in which the government is handling the economy of Ghana.
 According to the Ghana Police Service, the demonstrated broke and destroyed public properties without any provocation accounting for the carelessness and aggressive postures on the part of the leaders of the anti government protesters who took over some principal streets of the national capital of Ghana on Tuesday, Accra. 

The Police lice Service added that, it dispatched its officers to provide adequate security and protection for all the demonstrators because, they envisaged some sort of commotions to erupt due to the political nature of the protest.
 The police administration further disclosed that, the organisers pelted stones at the security forces when they were trying to maintain law and order because the protestors were going off track. 
The police administration finally stated that, the rules and regulations spelt out to the organisers to comply with, were willfully flouted thereby causing chaos and insurrection in the middle part of their activities. The demonstration which began on a lighter note, turned turbulent and bloody when the protestors started throwing stones and other harmful objects at the police re-enforcement team members the moment they were spotted on the scenes.

 It then necessitated the police officers on the ground to throw back tear gas at the protesters turning the whole event into a state of a disaster zone. Over dozen of police officers got injured and maimed as a result of the stones thrown at the police officers in the cause of the demonstration.
The police officers were able to detain at least, over twenty eight members of the demonstrators but the organisers disowned having known any of those arrested in relation to the protest they embarked upon yesterday.
In the details of the information communicated to the police service, the leaders of the group, indicated that, they do not know those that the police officers arrested because they are not members of the group, Arise Ghana. It was a chaotic scene yesterday during the protest as the police officers engaged the demonstrators in a turf war due to how the activities of the protestors were trying to overwhelm the number of the police officers.
 It was as a result of that scuffle between the police officers and the demonstrators, the police administration called for a total re-enforcement of other standby police officers to combat the raging and wild postures of the members of the group which they exhibited with violent conducts.
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