Police Officers stole my phones - Edem Agbana alleges.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
The deputy national youth organiser of the main opposition National Democratic Congress, Edem Agbana, is leveling a very wild and unsubstantiated claims against the Ghana Police officers for stealing his two moble phones which he claims he strapped on him during the Arise Ghana Demonstration which rocked the entire cause of Accra on Tuesday.
He indicated that, he has nobody else to accuse as having stolen his personal mobile phones except the police officers who were trying to manhandle him in the cause of the demonstration as he also joined scores of Ghanaian youth who thronged the streets in Accra to register their displeasure about the financial repercussions incurred by this Nana Addo Dankwa government and his appointees.
The group staged the protest because it believed, the economy hardship in the country currently, is too severe for the Ghanaian youth to bear with and due to that, they decided to hit the streets to drive home their demands by putting the government on its toes to addressing the economic infractions caused by profligate spending and financial Malfeasance engaged in by the government officials which is causing financial loss to the country as a whole.
As the deputy national youth organiser of the National Democratic Congress has accused the police officers of pilfering his two personal phones, the police administration is silent on the matter raising suspicion that what is being claimed by the national youth organiser has a certain iota of truth in his allegations against the police officers who stormed the enclaves of the Kwame Nkrumah Circle on Tuesday in their attempt to restore and maintain law and order as the anti government protesters broke their bounds of limit with militia conducted exhibited by the members of the group which triggered the police officers to using maximum force to dispell them from throwing harmful implement against the police officers.
It is alleged that, the police officers were detailed to target certain individual members of some political parties who were part and parcel of those who protested against the reckless manner in which the government of Ghana is managing the affairs of the country resulting in doom and despondency emanating from the bad governance style of this present regime with Nana Addo Dankwa being the commander in chief of the Ghana Armed Forces.
The rumour had it that, certain individuals who align themselves with other political parties, were the people behind the organisation of the protest to paint the administration and policies of the Akufo Addo led governance bad in the eyes of people who think there is nothing good about his leadership as we are witnessing at the moment. Some people are asking if what the deputy national youth organiser of the national Democratic Congress, Edem Agbana is leveling against the police officers is a political ploy to dent the image of the hardworking Ghanaian police officers, by now, the police administration would have arrested him for defaming and damaging its hard earned reputation with the intention of causing hatred and dislike on the police public administration.
If it is anything else to go by with regards to the claims peddled on the image of the police officers and its administration from Edem Agbana, tracking devices could have been used to tracking the whereabouts of the mobile phones owned and used by Edem Agbana, the national deputy organiser of the main opposition political party in Ghana, the National Democratic Congress, NDC.