Journalism practisesd by Adom Okyere is more political -Prof Stephen Adei.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Professor Stephen Adei, a former rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, has descended heavily on the host of the current affairs show on Metro Tv for practising politics instead of the real journalistic standard that is taught and practisesd at the Ghana Institute of Journalism, GIJ. Paul Adom Okyere has been on the bad note of the former rector for a while since he learnt of the wrong tangent that the host of the political talkshow is deploying on the programme the moment he comes on air instead of him doing the honourable thing by probing issues decisively but rather his uncouth mouth and wicked lies he is peddling against some individuals members in society with their hard earned reputation, just to maliciously and derogatorily, malign such people to win cheap political points for his pay masters who always walk on air when they see him lambasting and vilifying the perceived political opponent of the ruling government.
Paul Adom Okyere, the host political talkshow programme on Metro Tv with the name Good Evening Ghana, has been using his popular show to attacking people who have contrary views on his style and posture he uses to exhibit on air when the show progresses. Paul Adom Okyere has been on the tangent of destroying the reputation and persona of high profiled personalities in Ghana including his own former lecturers at the Ghana Institute of Journalism, GIJ.
According to the former rector of Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Prof Stephen Adei, the posture of Paul Adom Okyere on the show nowadays peeves him to the high order of his bone marrow that if he were to be the owner of the station, he would have shown him red light but as nobody is calling him to order because he feels secured and protected by government security apparatus, he would continue to do the dirty works of his pay masters in the country with an impunity. Paul Adom Okyere is a journalist but received political appointment from the president to be the board chairman of the Kotoka International Airport without tendering in his resignation letter to avoid conflict of interest and partiality from the political class members of the country because of his political inclinations and affiliations with the current president of and the party as a whole.
It is under the ethics of the the Ghana Institute of Journalism, GIJ to teach their students who are students journalists to fearlessly and patriotically, hold the executive arm of Ghana of the republic of Ghana through probity and accountability but rather he has sold his conscience to the political class members that he sees nothing awkward or unreasonably initiated or done by the members of the party including the president himself who recently doled out huge quantum of money belonging to tax payers pretentiously under the pretext of donating and contributing same towards the construction of national cathedral building project while the masses of the country wallow in an abject poverty.
Many Ghanaian workers were totally angry to have learnt of such a bad precedent being set up by the president himself where he knew very well that it is as a result of his dangerous and reckless governance that the economy of Ghana has been in tatters and comatose without proferring sustainable solutions to salvaging the ailing economic but Paul Adom Okyere, who is widely known to using his political show to probing such national wrecking decisions dispassionately, saw nothing weird and wrong about what the president did and it was at the backdrop of that blatant disregard of the ills of Ghana that the former GIMPA rector lambasted and chastised him for practising politics instead of journalism.