I fabricated wicked lies against Mahama-captain Smart confesses.
Thursday, June 16, 2022
The vociferous and loud mouth speaking individual who is running from one radio station to the other has come out to eat his own words after nobody gave him the credence. Captain Smart, has opened up that negative things he used to say about the former President Mahama in the lead up to the 2012 and 2016 general elections, were all cheap lies which were intended to blackmailing the voters to reject the candidature of the former President.
Captain Smart indicated that he was doing such dirty bidding for a certain political party that he thought would take the country Ghana to the promised land but it appears that very party has even sold out the promised land Ghanaians are yearning to reach and based on that his so called assumption, he said he has regretted for following a dangerous path in tarnishing the hard earned reputation of the former President who ruled the the country without his whole heart. Captain Smart is such an individual who many people have lost touch with because he is not someone who is reliable.
He comes out to say this today: tomorrow he will come out with a new twist and such conducts do not speak well of anyone who calls himself a responsible adult who in turn some students may be learning from so that he becomes their role model.
He is doing all that just to win a cheap political points for himself because some of them as they granted them that kind of a mere opportunity that they are on radio and television stations, they think they are the most respected and well known people in the country thereby, they use their media platforms to be doing the political bidding process for their secret political parties and using same to prepare the ground for themselves because they are all having the same political ambition.
It is at the backdrop of all these scenarios that, people who listen to such individuals like captain smart, do not take them serious again with the reason that they are there for their own stomachs.
They just come on air and make cacophonous noise and be calling themselves morning show hosts and television anchors where nothing meaningful emanates out of their irrelevant programmes.
This same individual referred to as captain smart, was on radio stations because of cheap take in the country, lambasting and castigating the former President Mahama where he deliberately leveled against his persona wild and unsubstantiated allegations on him that he diverted the resources of the nation into the bottom of women despite he been a married man and thus, he used part of that resources to open a foreign bank account where huge quantum of money had been deposited without any iota of truth.
It has now become like he is seeking public attention after he landed a new morning show programme at a different station because he is realising that his followers are depleting in number.
It is not however clear what he seeks to gain or derive from the former President after he came out to confess that all the nasty stuffs he peddled against the ex president were all lies and much ado nothing.