History of Nanumba People of Ghana.
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Nanumba People can be found in the Northern part of Ghana and they are related to the Dagomba and Mamprusi People of Ghana, they celebrate festivals such as Eid al- Fitr this include family, social gatherings, feasting, gift giving, Bugum Chugu is a fire festival celebrated in the first Dagomba festival in the year .
It is celebrated in the first month of Dagomba lunar year, Bugum Goli is the month of fire celebrated on the ninth day of the month, Naa jigli, Eid al- Adha and Damba festival. Bimbilla is a small town and it is the Capital of Nanumba North district.
It is also the Capital of Nanumba State, and the seat of Nanumba overlord, the Bimbilla Naa, Bimbilla consists primarily of Nanumbas, who are closely related to Dagomba and Mamprusi.
According to their Oral history Nanumba founders were the junior brothers of Dagomba founder , In the early 2000s they experienced dispute due to their Chieftaincy between two factors of the same gate, Gbugma Yili gate, Bamibila Skin throne is rotated between Bang Yili and Gbuguma Yili royal gates in Present day Ghana, the term “gate” , was used to signify that a new overlords from different gates enter the palace from particular entraces after nomination, Naa Dasana Dawuni was believed to Intially won the dispute of who should be the overlord Naakpaa Naa Salifu Dawuni appeal proceedings should be completed a dispute when Naa Dasana Dawuni was killed echoed the murder of Yaa Naa Yakubu Adani and she was known as Yakubu ll which occured in Yendi in 2002, they also pluged Dagbon State.
Fugu is an attire mostly worn by women and men in the northern part of Ghana, during Damba festival which is celebrated by Dagombas, Gonjas, Mamprusis and Walas the dress code is fugu, this smock is also worn during marriages and burial ceremonies, fugu also have great historical and linguistic significance for example, when the Cap is worn upright it means no one has a higher status than the one wearing it when it is turned backwards left, It means the wearer has followers finally, when It is pointed forward , it indicates that no one is behind the wearer and this is usually worn by Warriors.
According to Deishini Zinbila there lived a beautiful Princess called Azima ( Azima go daa nyela Yani Nabi Pu& Inga) Azima was a very beautiful woman, every King or Chief who is lucky to have meet her and want to take it as opportunity to get married to her, Once upon a time, Azima decided to tour around Dagbang to visit her brothers known as Dangbang and Nanima, her aim was to test their faith and love their people, Azima visited Gmangarima where the Chief killed 12 cattles to welcome her later it is believed the Chief proposed to her but she said No, Azima pleaded and said I am married already then She proceeeded to Tulebi Yili, Azima ended up there naming it ” Di Guli Ma Kpee” meaning Dont wait for me here which became Gulkpegu in Present day Tamale.
It is believed Azima changed Wun Yugri to Tolon, then Yooyili to Sag’Vuli which later it became Savelugu and Kambag Yili to Di Yaali meaning ” Dont open it ” which is now Present day Diyeli today, Azima visited Gmantambo Yili, Gmantambo Naa slaughtered another 12 cattle and added some tumber of yams to welcome Azima and She spend some month there, It is believed Azima smiled and Gmantambo Yili became known as Nyu Benbenda Yili later it became Benbela.
According to Mahmoud Gariba there are two forms Dagbanli and Nanwuli so the narration of how the name Nanumba came into existance and According to Mohammed Edison Hamzy the word ” Nanung” there was dispatching of Gbewaa’s Sons to settle, on the process they said Gmantambu is also the son of Gbewa so he should settle at the direction o f a Chief known as Naa nuu and there by the word Nanung originated .
Naa Gmantambo gave birth to only one son and he gathered all of his elders later his son died at his youthful age, he brought forth Suligme, Naa Gmantambo was described as a wiser man, It is believed he knew there was misunderstanding as to who to be his successors so he brought forth Suligme his nephew.
During the reign of Naa Nyelinboligu, there was misunderstanding between Naa Nyelinboligu and Bakpabi Naa Adisa later, Bakpabi Naa Adisa succeeded it is believed by getting rid of Naa Nyelinboligu, It is believed there was a hiding secret here and not supposed to be unfold except after the death of Bimbilla Naa Nyelinboligu, they enskined Pag’ Balima, Bimbilla Naa Paga who is the great grandfather of both Bang Yili and Gbegma Yili, Naa Paga gave birth to only three sons, 1st Son was Nakpa Naa Samboni, 2nd Son was Naa Damba and 3rd son was Dokpaim Naa Kpanjogu.
After the death of Bimbila Naa Paga, Nakpa Naa Samboni the first Son was enskinned as regent, latee the regent Nakpa Naa Samboni the first Son died and left the throne behind, Naa Damba the 2nd Son sat on the throne within few years and Naa Sulugu fought him others claimed that Naa Sulugu killed Naa Damba out of anger.
According to Shero Zuu Iddi, On the arrival of Naa Gmantambo the Cheochi ethnic group were descendants of Njawura Jakpa from the Gonjaland and they originated from Present day Ivory Coast who were brought to Gold Coast Present day Ghana under the leadership of Njawura Jakpa who succeeded Samuree by then Gmantambo descend Nanung which all came from Namtaria which became Namburi gu from Cheli yili to Sang from there to yape to Atebubu from Atebubu Krachi which was then a strong hold from Nkuga from Nkuga Senkye he was told that he has pass by destine and to stop there and decided to retirn to the brothers when he got Daa lanyili and remained in Nanung.
Tohazi the Red hunter had his children through him we have Nanumba, Dagomba and Mamprusi all together they are classified as one People.
The Mole Dagbani are primarily located in Upper and Northern regions of Ghana, Mole Dagbani traced to the same ancestry, Nanumba, Mamprusi , Dagomba, Mossi and others made up the Mole Dagbani group and According to the Oral tradition people who are Mole – Dagbani migrated fron Northeastern Lake Chad then migrated to the Southern bend of Niger, Zamfara which is modern day Nigeria due to political and military issues, their Forefathers were able to wield a smaller Individual group into their Kingdom, Nanumba, Mossi, Mamprusi passed down the same story of Origin.
It begins with a very beautiful Princess whose father restricted her from marrying in the fear of losing her military knowledge, She fleed on a Stallion, She becomes weary and find her refuge and slept under a tree, a Prince found her It is believed he comitted an abomination act so She was pregnant and gave birth to a Child who grew up and got married the Child was a male known as Naa Gbewaa.
Naa Gbewaa became the first leader of a Kingdom upon his death, he was succeded by his own son known as Naa Zirile later he passed away then conflicts erupted over his sucessor among his three brothers and supporters a war began then they split it is believed which one formed Dagbon, Mamprugu and Nanumba Kingdom, It is believed Mamprusi divided thus forming the Mossi, the 3rd group were the Gonja who were the original and first settlers in Gold Coast Present day before the Akans came to Gold Coast Present day Ghana. Mole Dagbani are located in six countries such as Ghana, smaller populations in Benin, Mali and Togo.
Islam and Nanumba Culture including Nanumba Traditional dances.
Mandes came through Northwestern Corridors while Bornu and Hausa traders came through Northeastern Corridors, the Introduction of Islam into Northern Region acted like a trojan horse or still better double edge sword It has both prospects and constraints, Indigenous People had to abandon their own Spirituality and It is claimed they were neither to drink, steal or gossip which they believed they were to worship a new creator who is Invisible, Islam had Strong influence on Nanumba Culture in particular were heavily Influenced by Islam brought to the region by Sonninke traders known as Wangara between 12th- 15th Centuries Islam had gained control and became the State’s religion during the reign of Naa Zanjina as People embraced it in masses by the 20th Century, Nanumbas were Islamised and Arabised at this point they saw Islam as a Culture and not a belief .
Nanumba perform Bamaya a traditional dance which include Pivot turns, swings and calculated footstamps, Kikayo is a traditional dance perform during funerals and ceremonies, Tora is a dance performed by both Nanumba and Dagomba It is performed by only women this include drumming, Takai musical type for the royaltu and Alangey is considered to be a ritual dance performed by only Nanumba and different kind of traditional dances.