Fetish Priest slams Afia Schwarzenegger for misconduct.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
The fetish Priest in charge of the shrine at Nogokpo in the Volta region of Ghana, has condemned the inappropriate manner in which Afia swaznigar conducted herself after posting onto social media her personal picture with the sign board of the shrine.
Afia swaznigar allegedly claimed that she paid a visit to the shrine for some form of spiritual awakening hence her decision to declare her stance of her private business with the people in charge of the shrine. Torgbui Amuzu who is the one in charge of the shrine, came out and utterly condemned in no uncertain terms, the derogatory manner in which Afia swaznigar demonstrated herself because every form of business you deal with anyone at the shrine is under sealed and code of secrecy and the fetish Priest is wondering how come such an individual would claim of transacting business with the people at such a dreaded place and come back to the public and tell what infolded there.
Even though the Chief priest did not state categorically if Afia swaznigar truly came to them at the shrine for any spiritual consultation or not but rather he berated the attitude and posture of Swaznigar after she uploaded her pictures onto the social media after she claimed to have visited the shrine for consultation as she stood beside the sign post of Nogokpo.
Some people earlier thought it might be a possible case of photo shopping but as the priest came out and vilified her for her misconduct, it settles certain parts of her claims that she went there to consult them on some serious spiritual awakening exercises. People who operate in such centres, there are terms of references and stipulated rules and regulations governing what they do and anyone who goes there for any consultation, such terms are clearly spelt out to such individuals and anyone who goes contrary to it, there are severe punishments that would be meted out people who flout the directives and it is believed that the same instructions were adequately explained to her if or when she actually visited the shrine for the spiritual consultation as she claimed earlier.