Critics of prayerful Mills building Cathedral for God- James Agyenim Boateng mocks

Critics of prayerful Mills building Cathedral for God- James Agyenim Boateng mocks

. The building of the national cathedral has caused a lot of misunderstandings for far and near as many Ghanaians lambasted the government for initiating such a dead project. 
The same people who are currently speaking for the construction of the national cathedral building were the same people who chastised and vilified the former president John Evans Atta Mills when the man declared his stance on his religious inclinations. The former president Mills used to organise prayer meeting at the presidency to seek the face of God for his guidance and protection upon the country but some people at the opposition by then kicked against such a noble decision by the president saying that the presidency is not a prayer centre but a serious business centre. 
The ex president took it upon himself and established the prayer warrior tower with the name Aglow For Jesus where he instructed the members to be praying for the entire nation and other religious faiths for lasting peace and prosperous to rain in the country.
 A former deputy minister of information under the late president Mills, Hon. James Agyenim Boateng, has chided such individuals who are now claiming to be more spiritual and religious more than the departed Professor Mills, that such people do not have the interest of God at hearts but rather their own parochial interest. 
He questions why those individuals are rushing in to that so called building if they do not have any personal effects to derive from that luxurious project. 
He stated that, during the era of the erstwhile administration of Prof Mills, people who called themselves the same christian believers, reviled against the office of the president for instituting the prayer warrior tower because they claimed it would be a complete waste of financial resources on the national kitty. But here we are, the same individuals are thinking they are at the helm of affairs and thus everything they say they will do, must come to pass without any hindrance. 
The building of the national cathedral comes at the time that the economy of Ghana is under recession process because financially, the country is struggling to attain a stable and formidable economic growth where the nation is the most expensive country to living in presently due to high rate at which the inflation of the country is running against the world famous Usain Bolt for the marathon race title.
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