Bright Future Academy Student Arrested For Stealing Mobile Phones.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Some people have contrary views to occasions where female children are caught up engaging in robbery and theft cases due to certain varying degrees of reasons which others would even conclude that; theirs is to engage in activities where the males would feed them and make them feel happy within their hearts for the men to partake in their forbidden fruits that God endowed them freely for procreation purposes.
It is however unreasonable for female teenagers to commit themselves into activities where the reputations of their responsible parents would be dented and soiled because of the irresistible behaviours undertaken by their children after completely jettisoning the counsels of their lovely parents to them privately.
It has wholly beaten the imagination of many people as to why a student who is preparing fervently to write a national examination, would disregard every form of Godly advice and thereby, devoting him or herself into stealing luxurious mobile phones.
The fact of the whole matter is that, a female form3 student of; Bright Future Academy, a very reputable and dearly cherished school located at Achimota, a suburb of Accra, has been caught red handed for pilfering three mobile phones in connivance with her teacher. Bright Future Academy, Achimota, had for a while, engaged in the services of the teacher who was recruited to help the students most especially, those in form three in preparation of the upcoming Basic Education Certificate Examination, BECE, which is slated to take of on; Monday, 17th October, 2022.
But the teacher in contention, has blatantly neglected his assigned duties but rather, going the extra mile aiding the alleged three mobile phones thief of Bright Future Academy, to stealing the phones under his influence.
Newlove Aboagye, a pupil teacher of Bright Future Academy, was the individual culprit who willfully coerced the girl through his abatement and with the consent of the girl who is currently in the form3 class of the school, to stealing the three mobile phones.
It appears as though the meaning of the school does not favour the two individuals who conspired with each other to intentionally divert the locations of those three mobile phones he motivated the girl to steal and unfortunately, she had been ensnared in a snare which was secretly laid down for her without she knowing.
The name: "Bright Future" has turned up against both triggering their future to be somehow bleak, dim and dark coupled with shame and reproach.
Bear it in mind that, every negative thing you do on this bare earth, you will not go Scot free because, posterity lies at the door of everybody whether you believe it or not and for that reason, we must aspire to continue doing the good side of every negative act even if we are not being rewarded here on earth, for the ultimate reward is in stock for us above.
The theft case involving the teacher of Bright Future Academy, Sir. Newlove Aboagye and his form3 female student; name withheld for security and psychological reasons, had been reported to the police officers.
And upon receiving a complaints of stealing and robbing of certain individuals of their belongings and valuables, the police officers have swiftly run in to undertake a thorough investigation into the actual case to unraveling the hidden motives behind the thoughts of those two people implicated in the theft, abatement of crime and committal of crime against the legitimate owners of their own assets. The police officers at the Israel police command, have arrested the teacher of the form3 girl of Bright Future Academy, Sir.
Newlove Aboagye, who is suspected and alleged to be the architect behind the whole scene because, his name had been mentioned by various quarters that he was the sole discretion that aided the girl to stealing the three mobile phones. It is a fact that the name of the school had been put into total disrepute and had broken down the very moral fabrics under which the school was established.
He is currently in the firm grips of the Israel police command assisting in investigations.