Abortion causes mental illness - Medical Practitioners advices.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Making health for all a reality, and moving towards the progressive realization of human rights, requires that all individuals have access to quality health care, including comprehensive abortion care services – which includes information, management of abortion, and post-abortion care.
Lack of access to safe, timely, affordable and respectful abortion care poses a risk to not only the physical, but also the mental and social, well-being of women and girls.
Induced abortion is a simple and common health-care procedure.
Each year, almost half of all pregnancies – 121 million – are unintended; 6 out of 10 unintended pregnancies and 3 out of 10 of all pregnancies end in induced abortion.
Abortion is safe when carried out using a method recommended by WHO, appropriate to the pregnancy duration and by someone with the necessary skills.
However, when women with unwanted pregnancies face barriers to obtaining quality abortion, they often resort to unsafe abortion.
Per the fact and figures from WHO , Dr. Patient Darkwah , CEO of Adom Darkwah Herbal and Spiritual Clinic has urged Ghanaians youth especially to stop practicing abortion.
She stated that, too much of abortion can lead to mental disorders, that's why there are many young women suffering from mental illness.
So she therefore urged young women to stay away from this devilish act in other not to receive any punishment from God and also mental illness.