History of Yakoma People of Central African Republic and Dr. Congo.
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Yakoma People can be found in Central African Republic and Dr. Congo, they are part of the Bantu Speaking People and they are related to the Ngbandi People of Central African Republic and Dr. Congo.
The Yakoma dagger is in a way outstanding in its blade structure, thick heavy it is sharpened all around, wood handle bound with steel and brass strips, and brass covered pommel and after colonization.
It is believed people began to communicate in Sango which is a pidgin also spoken in Central African Republic and Suriname that emerged quickly out of contacts, between the diverse Africans, French and Belgians proceded them in 1887 to be used as a militia, workers and the Inhabitants of the Upper Ubangi river, by 1910, the language Sango had became a stable lingua franca spread by the Soldiers and others who was believed to served Europeans.
Their Staple Include cassava, millet and It is accompained by sauce made of vegetables, fish or meat, beer is made with sorghum, chicken, sheep, goats is used as a gift during weddings and their other staples include mainoc, sorghum, corn and squalish which is supplement by mashrooms.
They grow crops such as cassava, bananas, plantains, okro and other crops and It is believed an area in Present day Central African Republic was settled by sucessive waves, both Europeans and Arabs exploited the area in the 17th Century- 19th Century and it is believed French explored and conquered the area, 1889, when an out post was established at Bangui the strongest and most sustained position to the french which it is believed it came from Sultan Senoussi who defeated them in 1931, the strong war was known as Kongo- Warra which lasted from 1828 to 1993 and the territory of Ubangi Shari was established in 1934, and its border it is believed it was fixed by treaties.
The Asymmetric Prestige Blade this carved sword is a light, second- generation deluxe version of a much heavier and functional blade produced by Yakomas before 1920, and the light, deluxe, prestiges blades were produced from 1920-1940, where as the heavy knives were used for wars and other functional purposes.
It is said light knives reserved for display in women Intiation ceremonies and as a prestige symbol for Elders known as Ngoundi. Yakomas are considered as ancinet warriors and they used musical instrument such as a kind of harp, In their tradition, men hunt for animals such as bush meat, go for fishing, grow crops and harvesting.
Yakoma Migrations.
It is claimed Yakomas migrated from the area around Lake Chad to the East and settled in Northern part of Sudan throughout their migrations they crossed and settled in Abyssania Present day Ethiopia before settling in Present day Central African Republic and Pressnt day Dr. Congo in the early 16th Century .
According to other accounts It is believed Yakoma and Ngbaka arrived on a gemena plateau of Present day Northern Congo in 1920 and migrated from the area around Lake Chad to the north with Gbaya, Manja and others part of the Ngbandi ethnic group, throughout their migrations they encountered numerous people influenced their directions, it is believed Ngbaka had contact with Mabo at lua- Dekere river with Mono at Bembe and Lubia rivers .
Yakoma People live along the Oubangui river in the South and Andrè Dieudonnè Kolingba was the former President of Central African Republic who belong to Yakoma ethnic group he served from 1979- 1993 and Adrienne Yabouza was a writer who hail from Central African Republic and Yakoma by ethnicity, She wrote several novels and books for children, a number of seven books, She spoke french, a little english, sango , yakoma and lingala .
She believed her work deals with difficulties facing women and many of the stories she told derived from family stories and her surroundings and She had 5 children also a widower whose husband died a single mother.
It is believed Yakoma lived in their homeland since the 17th Century, they traced to their patrilineal lineage, their artistic products include figures, masks, pipes, necklaces, sticks, musical instruments, large slit drums are common, the artistic style of their masks and sculptures.
Yakoma have a system of Intiation that which gives strength, future Intiaties had to undergo trials of physical endurance and would attain a first level of knowledge by means of song and corporeal techniques, particularly choreographic turns.
In the rites of Passage .
Ancestors played an Important role, circumcision and excision took place after several months spent outside the village .
Yakoma ethnic group prefer to live the way of their forefathers alot of them place emphasis on clothing, women wear lose tops and a length of cloth around the waist as a skirt while men clothing on the other hand may look fashionable, folklore is sung to the accompainment of traditional instruments and Yakoma legends are respected and honoured also their music is made up of horn, flutes whistle and voice esemble make up their music.
In their culture when people meet one another, the first thing to do is to shake hands, wheter or not gesture is acceptable depending on their environment, they will often snap their fingers as a sign of showing they are happy to see you but this kind of gesture is not acceptable in a formal environment.
It is strongly believed among Yakoma that they way you dress shows who you are including your character so every one must dress appropriately or properly if you do so it is believed people show their respect to you and their natural resources include gold, diamonds, timber and uruanium.