History of Kyode People of Ghana, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast .
Monday, May 23, 2022
Kyode People also known as Atwode, Akyode , Ayodele , Gbenga and Grobbee People can be found in the Northern Volta basin of Ghana, Northern Burkina Faso and Northern Ivory Coast.
Kyode are part of the Guan ethnic group of West Africa and they are related to Chumburung , Dwang , Foodo, Ginyanga , Gonja , Kplang , Kyode , Kranche , Nkoya, Nkami and Dompo People which It is believed they are all part of the Northern Guang and Kyode as well the Guang is also spelled as Guan Speaking People . Kyode People grow crops such as watermelon, coconuts, yams, cassava, plantains, millet , rice and many other crops .
The Kyode language is known as Gikyode which is made up of some Ahanta and Gonja languages and Kyode communities include Abrewanke , Nyambong , Chilinga , Pawa, Keri , Kromanse also known as Kromase or Akromanse and Shiare . Kyode Paramount seat is in Shiare , Kingship is known as Gewura, and is form of a leadership in these communities and each Kyode community has a Chief, or Wura who rules the town .
The Chief of Kromase is known as Kromase Wura and Shiare own is known as Shiare Wura or Osulewura , which means the King of Kyode Kingdom.
Kyode can be found in the Northern part of the Volta Region, some Northern part of Brong Ahafo Region , some part of Mossi Region of BurKina Faso and some part of Northern Ivory Coast , Kyode has a town known as Nkwanta which shares border with Present day Togo and Burkina Faso and they have remote villages.
In Kyode town Nkwanta in the northern part of Volta Region of Ghana It is said minerals are being discovered such as golds, diamond and many more .
The Kiyode Nkwanta Paramount Chief of Volta Region known as Nana Obonbo Sewura Lipuwura II said he wanted Kyode to create Oti Region and he pleaded to the Ghanaian government to make his town Nkwanta the Capital of the Oti Region while some Kyode disagree with him and still want to be part of Volta .
The Kyode Guan People of Volta Region , Brong Ahafo of Ghana , Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast written research account.
It is claimed The Kyode Guans of Ghana , Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast were part of the original Guans who might have migrated from the Mossi region of Present day Burkina Faso and moved around 10,000 AD through the Volta Valley in a direction they created settlements along the Black Volta throughout the Afram plains.
In the Volta Gorge , and in the Akuapim hills before moving farther South onto the coastal plains . Some Kyode claimed to have postulate that wide dispensation , Kyode was said to be Neolithic population of the region .
Later Migrations by Akans , Ewes , GA Adangbes into the Guan settled areas would then have led to the development of Guan Speaking enclaves along the Volta and within the coastal plains.
The Guan have been heavily Influenced by their neighbors . The Kyode a Sub- group of the Guan have some Gonja words and Ahanta words . As far as the Other Guan Sub- group are concerned , Anum- Boso speak a local Ewe dialect , whereas Lareth and Kyerepong have custom similar to the Akuapim groups .
It is said Kyode and Gonja were ruled by the members of a dynasty of Mande Origins , It is believed the ruling dynasty , however, does not speak Guan neither the rulers nor commoners are Muslims , a group of Muslims accompanied in the Mande Invaders . It is said Kyode used to be with the Ahanta People during the rise and fall of the Ahanta Empire .
According to a Researched History and Origins of Kyode People of Volta Region , Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana , Northern Burkina Faso and Northern Ivory Coast .
Kyode also known as Akyode or Atwode People are Guan People who live in northern part of Volta , some part of northern Brong Ahafo , northern Burkina Faso and northern Ivory Coast .
It is believed Kyode migrated to Volta Region from Ahanta areas of Western Region of Ghana but some claimed Kyode mostly came from Burkina Faso before they settled in Present day Northern Ivory Coast some were left behind Burkina Faso and made Present day Ghana their final settlements in the 16th Century.
Kyode languages is spoken in Ghana , Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast some of their languages include Gbenga Kyode , Ayodele Kyode , Kyode Grobbee spoken in somewhere in the Northern Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast with some Gonja , Mossi and some Ahanta words due to the migrations and settlements it had problems with the languages which it is said it changes .
However Others believed Kyode were originally Ahantas and Mossis which they became Kyode who maintained their sojourned to their Present day Settlements ,Others claimed Kyode Guans left Ancient Senegal , Ancient Mali , Burkina Faso through Niger before settling in Present day Ghana.
Kyode Guans live in places such as Volta Nkwanta , some parts of Amedzofe some part of Mossi region of Burkina Faso , some parts of Brong Ahafo such as Akrodie, Nwoase , Nchiraa and Northern Ivory Coast . Some Gonja and Ahanta are mixed up as their language but some Kyode can speak the Ewe language as their second language . Kyode are nominally Patrilineal inherited through the patrilineal line .
Their Village government is organized around a traditional Chief System . It is believed Ndewura Jakpa was a Gonja Warrior who fought his way across and to the west then to the east.
It is said he died in a battle he was the founder of the Mande dynasty in the Gonjaland in what is now Northern part of Ghana in the early 17th Century his Invasion of his Kingdom from Northern Ghana to Northern Togo , Northern Benin and Burkina Faso his Kingdom has a great Influence in other parts of West Africa .
The Guans founded one of the several northern kingdoms in the 18th Century Others claimed they later became part of the British Northern territories after the fall of the Asante , facial marks also known as tribal marks play a big role in the Kyode Culture.
It is said that the Mandingo forces that entered in Present day Ghana with all other allies , too numerous to mention they arrived under the leadership of the Mandingo leader of the forces form the Songhai Empire in 1546 . During the reign of King Askia Muhammad who ruled for 35 years by 1528 his son known as Musa and his nephew known as Askia Ishmael translated in Arabic as Askia Ismail fought over power and Songhai Continued until the reign of Askia Daud around 1581 there is also a song dedicated to Mbontokurbi travelling Including Jakpa.
Kyode Villages and towns are part of their Chieftaincies . It is customary for visitors to pay their respects to the local Chiefs when they visit . Among Kyode Guans they celebrate festivals such as Beng ( a Gonja Festival ) , Plain or White Rice Festival , Yam Festival and other unknown Festivals celebrated by the Kyode People of Ghana , Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast .
It is believed Kyode villages include Odumase Adele , Nabu , Nsuogya or Asodja , Nyambong , Pawa, Abunyanya , Pusupu, Kecheibi , Asukwakwa, Apaapi , Bobobia and others .
Kyode experienced a rainfall from April to July and from September to October , It is claimed by Kaleku ( Kwaku) Bosco that Kyode are originally Guan People with Ahanta Origins.
It is believed Kyode tradition require family elders to always arrange marriages of their dependents . Kyode Chiefs mark their status by marrying up to 4 or more women as a result of having a big family . Kyode men and women are weavers , metalworkers and matmakers while some women make pottery and engage in food processing.
Kyode men also play Important role in Social roles , Political roles and ritual roles . Kyode exports Include fish , palm , oil , gold , diamond, aluminium and manganese .
Their farmers also produce their native food for meal also for market selling . Kyode traditional crafts Include pottery , handwoven, cloth , carved stools, raffia baskets and Jewelry.
It is claimed during the expansion of Akuapem , Akwamu and Akyem , Kyode re-gained their Independence from their coastal people , Funerals , Marriage Ceremonies plays a big role In their Culture , It is claimed Kyode was once under the control or rule of the Wassa Akan People of Western Region of Ghana before their migrations from Ahanta areas to their Present day homelands.
Kyode neighboring People are Adele , Anufo , Chumburung , Nkoya , Ntrubo and Nawuri People , They also wear both Kente and Batakari which is part of their clothing . Kyode Kyabobo National Park , a newly created Park in Atwode traditional area , Is located in the Nkwanta of the Volta Region , It is believed the park covers an area of 359.8 Km is found in the Dry Semi- deciduous forest and Savannah species of the plants and animals .
Its forest contain the nationally endangered endemic tree Talbotiella gendtii , Animals common to the park Include Lion , Elephants, Reedbuck , beest and Harte .
In Kyode tradition , Schnapps , Millet brewed , Whiskey is used by Kyode Families and Royal Families as well for Libations , Naming Ceremonies , they also make a mashed corn and palm oil . Farazo National Park in Present day Togo . Tourist Infrastures are vigorously being developed in Fazaso .
According to Ge- Kopiyo’s account , Kyode diet consists of Plantain , Cocoyam, Corn , Rice , Coconut and palm nut is considered to be one of their favorites .
Mainly , Kyode produced palm oil , Polygamy is allowed and attests to the wealth and power of men who can take good care of at least one wife before marrying two or more wives and having Children is very Important or plays a big role , Kyode Guan Tribe are Patrilineal and tend towards Patrilocal residence , men with a lineage would live in one structure , and their wives and unmarried female relatives would live in a nearby one .
It is believed men could easily assign a separate hut to each of his wives , and after their wives . Kyode People perform dances such as Kpana , Asafo dance and other types of traditional dances .