History of Hema People of Dr. Congo and Uganda.
Monday, May 23, 2022
Hema People can be found in Dr. Congo and Uganda, they are part of the Niger Congo family related to the Bahoro People, Banyamulenge and Tutsi People. They are herdsmen and the Northern hema speak the Lendu language while the Southern hema speak a hema language which is believed that is similar to the Bantu, the Southern herma is closely related to the herma spoken in Present day Western Uganda.
According to Anthropologist , It is said they were local inhabitants who were considered to be patoralists and came to the district from the East between the 17th Century to 18th Century while the Ledu People were regarded as the earliest occupants for several centuries before the two ethnic groups had a peaceful but unequal relationship having no chiefs and no cattle, it is believed the ledus were subjugated by herma but the relationship between the two remained friendly the two ethnic grouos exchanged their production.
It is said they traded peacefully clashed occured when some rebellions ledu peasants was believed to be herma Chief was attacked others claimed he was murdered and attacked during conflict in Dr. Congo by his enemies then the French and Bulgian seperated the Herma and Ledu communities in some areas it is claimed the inbalances inherited from the Belgian era were not addressed by post colonial authorities in the early 1970s.
Lubanga was the leader for the Herma in Ituri by the time Isea omo arrived he told his family and their face, they were lay down when the Soldiers arrived and then men ordered them.
The Herma and Ledu people once lived in a Village to the east of Dr. Congo it is claimed they both migrated Southward and occupied the Ethiopia highlands before they migrated throughout the eastern Dr. Congo.
it is said the first inhabitants of Ituri are believed to have been the Mbuti pygmies who still lived in Ituri during the 16th Century Herma were part of the Bunyoro Kingdom in Present day Uganda and settled in the areas to the South and West during the 18th Century groups migrated into the Ituri it is the first Congo War that took place in 1997.
In their Culture they carved masks and sculptures others claimed they traced their Origins to Southeastern Kasai regions and migrated to their Present day locations.
According to Fred Muhanguzi , it is also claimed originally came from Present day Mali around 1400s and they were chased by a ruler for considered as a threat to his leadership because they were warrior like so it is believed it was part of their nature and due to migrations from Present day Mali they passed routes but left which is Abyssania Present day Ethiopia and Present day Somalia.
According to Twekunde the Hema, Bahoro, Banyamulenge and Tutsi used to be cousins who migrated to the Great lakes region of East Africa to Abyssania Present day Ethiopia between the 1300- 1500 AD and entered Uganda northwest, Burundi, then migrated Southward to Present day Rwanda to the East and Dr. Congo to the East later Tanzania to the Northwest and settled in their Present day homeland In their Culture they performed their Cultual dance and a music called Musikulu.