History of FraFra People of Ghana and Burkina Faso .
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Fra Fra People can be found in Ghana and Burkina Faso , they are also known as Gurune People .
They are part of the Gur Speaking people . they grow crops such as millet , sorghum , beans , rice , maize and other crops .
Bolgatanga is considered to be commercial center of area and other villages and towns include Bongo , Zoko and Pwalugu , they are recognized by their art forms are cast brass jewelry and decorated architecture in addition , figures sculpted from clay and wood and various personal objects , ranging from jewelry to wooden stools , are created to honor the ancestors .
They have always strive strong bonds or ties with each other alive or dead , they prefered to not mourn but instead celebrate their lives . Music such as Kologo music connects them to generations before them and also Inspire them , In their Culture women and girls cook , clean , washing clothes and taking care of their children .
They grow crops planting and harvesting also they have most of the responsibility in house and community young boys from 5-11 years mostly herd cattles and watch over them as they graze and they don't have much responsibility until they reach older age . It is believed men don't play as much role in their community . Frafra People live in houses made of mud , sticks and debris .
According to the history , Christian European Missionaries encountered Gurune People , they greeted them using a phrase “ Ya Fare Fare” meaning how is your suffering or hustle or work , so they referred them as Frafra due to the mispronunciation eventually It was adopted by them and popularized by other Southerners of Ghana.
According to other account , In the middle of the market of Bolgatanga , lies a large flat rock which was quite close to the area where the settlers dug clay for building and polishing their houses .
It is believed Bolgatanga means clay and rock “ Bolga meaning a clay and “ Tanga meaning a rock which is the Capital city of Upper East Region of Ghana .
Their local dishes include Tubaani , Tuo Zaafi which is similar to the Upper West Tuo Zaafi with groundnut soup or green leaves soups , beans , rice , and cowpeas , Koko with Koose followed by beverages which Include Pito and Zom Krom .
Frafra occupy Bolgatanga , Bongo and Tellensi- Nabdan district and they shared borders with Southern Burkina Faso . According to Alenge accounts on Frafra People of Ghana and Burkina Faso , Frafra and Dagaaba were both cousins linked with common origins , It is believed Dagara orphans was accused of witchcraft and was expelled by Dagaaba Chief .
The Orphan fled towards the black volta and settled near Babile , across the river . It is believed Dagomba and Frafra lived somewhere in Present day Southern Africa with Bantus , from Present day Southern Africa , They migrated northwards through Present day Zimbabwe , Present day Uganda and Present day Kenya .
They moved westward to Present day Sierra leone , Present day Northern Nigeria , Present day Togo and finally settled in Gold Coast Present day Ghana and others believed Frafra existed during the Ancient Ghana Empire in the middle age and formed their own Empire , the people of Zuarungu , one of the Frafra migrated from Wuarungu in Present day Burkina Faso and It is said Zuarungu have links to Wuarungu .
Some Frafras and their Chiefs traced to the Mamprugu Kingdom , Mosore of Tongo exiled from Nalerigu and came to Tongo , Bongo districts is made up of two communities and It is believed the original settlers are Gurune Speaking people and Mamprusi stock settled at the central part alongside some Frafra Nangodi believed they have Mamprusi ancestry.
In Frafra traditon , their homestead among these people is one that combined huts that are thatched with mud and roofed with grass . Huts are circular and the grass roofing is pyramidal in shape , compounds are differ in sizes often depending on the wealth and status of the master of the compound .
The biggest basket weaving tehei is at Bolgatanga and attracts traders and people beyond activities such as leather works, basket weaving , weaving of straw bags and huts during the dry period . They keep livestock including cattle , goats and sheep and cattle in some villages is used as a payment for bride wealth . Frafra lineages is patrilineal , members of one yizyo trace their descent to a common ancestor.
It is believed gold was covered in Zarantinga and It is believed people are engaged in surface mining to acquire this gold.
They celebrate festivals such as Ndaakoya also referred as Ndaakoya is a festival celebrated every year in the months of January and February to thank the Creator for a bountiful harvest during the season for farming .
The Origin of Ndaakoya Festival , It is believed “ Ndaa means during the days and “ Koya meaning farming all together it became known as Ndaakoya meaning during the days of farming .
The Celebration of Ndaakoya include rituals which have more powerful meanings .
Below are Frafra Natives according to a research .
Ghanaian Traditional Artist King Ayisoba who hail from Bongo Soe , Upper East Region of Ghana .
2. Ghanaian Highlife Artist Okomfo Kwadee originally known as Jerry Anaba who hail from Navrongo , Upper East Region of Ghana .
3. Stephen Atalebe .
4. Late Ghanaian Artist Adabire Sambo who hail from Bolgatanga , Upper East Region of Ghana.
5. Ghanaian Upcoming Artist Abelwine Peter .
6. Ghanaian Artist Abayeta Bongo .
7. Ghanaian Legend Atongo Zimba.
8. Jacob Agongo .
9. Jacob Awuni .
10 . Elizabeth Azumpoka .
11. Akyaa Atule .
Frafra People also carved masks and sculptures which is made up of woods .