History of Abbé People The Akan People of Ivory Coast.

History of Abbé People The Akan People of Ivory Coast.

Abbé People are an Akan People and they can be found in Ivory Coast, they are related to the Chokosi , Baoule, Evalue People of Ivory Coast also they are part of the Niger- Congo family branch they grow crop such as yam , cassava , plantain and other crops   
 According to Abbé Oral history they are descendants of the Anyi People of Ghana. It was during the reign of Nana Abbes Akossou they were forced by their neighbors which is the Ashanti which led to migration , their their migration began in the 18th Century and it was led by Nana Paticho the son of Nana Akossou and Nana Yah Abobia the surname Abobia the spelled is rather Ababio , they crossed Tanoe then Komoe river which originates on the sikasso plateau of Burkina Faso

It flows through the cascades de Karfiguela and forms a short section of the border between Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast , and they settled between Adzope and Agboville in Present day Ivory Coast , Nana Patchibo formed a village known as Douda later the village changed its name to Grand Morie in the southeastern part of Ivory Coast .
 Abbé continued the migration on their way they settled in Allahin which later became known as Loviguie , from Douda Allahin , Abbé migrated and drove the Atties their eastern neighbors , Agboville , Rubino , Grande Morie , Lovigue , Guessiguie , Ottope , Offumpo , Grand- Yapo , Attobrou , Bild, N’douci , Tiassale , Bingerville , Lakota , Divo , M’bahiakro and Ouelle are all part of the Abbe towns .
 Abbè were the warriors of the left wing of the army of Queen Pokou , Abbè originated from what is now the Western Region of Ghana and Bonoman which is the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana a town known as Techiman also spelled Takyiman and they migrated to Present day Ivory Coast around the 17th Century and 18th Century It is believed the ruling Aduana clan of Abbè and other Akans originated from Ancient Ghana.
 It is believed they migrated from the north and they went throughout Present day Egypt and settled in Nubia Present day Sudan around 500 AD , due to the pressure exerted on Nubia by Axumite Kingdom of Ethiopia , Nubia was shattered and Akans of both Ghana and Ivory Coast established a small trading kingdoms, these kingdoms grew, and around 750 AD the Ghana Empire was formed . 
Abbè Culture they inherit just like other Akans from the mother , maternal blood ensures the Child’s membership in the abusua which is considered as a clan or lineage , Abbè are an Akan People living in Ivory Coast , the rise of the early Akan centralized states can be traced to the 13th Century and is likely related to the opening trade routes established to move gold throughout the region it was not until the end of the 17th Century.
 However , Asante Kingdom emerged in the Central forest region of Present day Ghana , when several small states united under Chief of Kumasi in a move to achieve political freedom from the Denkyira.
 Asante Confederacy was dissolved in 1900 by British and colonized in 1901, Although there is no longer a centralized Akan Confederacy , Akan People maintain a powerful political and economic pressure . In Abbe concept they believed in a supreme god, the ancestors are remembered and respected, this is based upon honoring one’s departed ancestors, when a person passed away an elaborate ceremony is similar to the Anyi People which is involving ritual washing, dressing, the deceased in a fine garments and gold jewelry to be laid in state for up to 4 days.
 According to Koffi Brou the kyidom warriors who are the Akye settled immediately after the river comoe to guide the route to Asante , they kept the golden umbrella and the sword of Nana Osei Tutu I . Abbè People the Torchbearers also settled after the Akye , Ebrie , M’batto all were Akans the other foot soldiers settled in the regions which is Akan land in Present day Ivory Coast , Nana Abena Pokuaa departed from the shores of the comoe river into the hinterland along the banks of the Bandama river at Warebo , where she founded Tano Sakassou as her capital city and formed the new Adako royal kingdom of Baoule , the chiefdom of Akye , Abbe , M’batto , Evalue and other Akan chiefdoms in Ivory Coast owe and continued to pay allegiance to Obahemaa Nana Abena Opokuaa she was the great warrior and Queen mother who founded the great Adako Baoule Kingdom .
 Akan Kente fabric actually have been circulation around 10, 000 years ago It is believed beginning in ancient Egypt , the term originated from the word “ Kenten” meaning the basket , in both Ghana and Ivory Coast it is worn as a royal and ceremonial fabric which is worn for very important occasion , Kente fabric has many different meanings and is representative of social and historical thought . 

 Among Abbè , the family and the mother’s clan is very important , a child is believed to inherit his or her father’s kra which is the soul and the mother he or she receive the flesh and blood also wooden craving plays a big role this include sculptures and masks.
In Abbe day names and common surnames is spelled different from the version of the Akan used in Ghana names such as Kouame which is Kwame , Kouakou which is Kwaku , Kouao which is Kwaw , Koffi which is Kofi , Bediakou which is Bediako , Bouake which is Boakye , Abla which is Abena , Assamoi which is Asamoah , Yao which is Yaw, Akoua which is Akua , Kouassi which is Kwasi , Adwo which is Adwoa or Adjoa , Aya which is Yaa , Affoua which is Afia or Afua . Abbe soups include Okro , groundnut or peanut , palmnut and they used fish, tilapia , shrimps , crayfish and octopus for meals . Adinkra Symbols are believed to originated from Gyaman a former Kingdom in Present day Ivory Coast and According to a legend known as Nana Kofi Adinkra , Adinkrahene was defeated and captured in a battle , Nana Kofi Adinkra who was the Adinkrahene wore patterned cloth , which was interpreted as a way of expressing his sorrow for being taken to Kumasi , he was finally murdered and his territory was claimed to annexed the Kingdom of Asante , around the 19th Century , they took to painting of traditional symbols of the Gyamans onto cloth , a tradition which has remained up till date , Adinkra means goodbye or farewell it is worn by Akans in Ghana and Ivory Coast.
Traditionally it is worn only by royalty and spiritual leaders for funerals and special occasions , they were also hand printed on undyed , red , dark brown , or black hand woven cotton fabric depending on the occasion and the wearer’s status , Adinkra has 3 funenary which is Kuntukuni the dark brown , the brick , Kobene the red and brisi the black .  
Adinkra symbols have their meaning and they are 53 symbols of Adinkra below few are mentioned such as Sankofa meaning go back and fetch it.
 Nyame dua meaning tree of God , Dwennimen meaning the ram’s horn , Fihankra meaning house or compound and Owia Kokroko meaning the greatness of the sun also Abbe People celebrate Yam festival which is “ La fete des ignames” the festival is a celebration of a good yam harvest because yam in Abbe tradition is the great and rich tradition of the Abbé and it is celebrated in a town called Agboville.
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