Episode 2: meaning of Avatime and relationship between Avatime and Agortime.
Monday, May 30, 2022
In our first Episode, we gave meaning to Avatime Biakpa, we mentioned that our forefathers came from Mesopotamia and settled at Ahanta . It wasn't their wish to move from Ahanta but they did so because. Of petty petty wars here and there.
MEANING OF AVATIME :when Avatime people moved from Ahanta, they settled at prampram but they didn't stay there for long due to wars so they moved on and on their way, they met a group of people known as shai in Ada area so they became two different groups who moved together and crossed River volta and entered Tornu land.
Due to So much flooding during raining season ,the two groups decided to move to Adaklu .After meeting Adaklu elders, permission was granted them to stay at two different areas to avoid unnecessary fight . The Avatime people were asked to settle in the forest area which means in ewe language refer to as AVETIME and Shai settle in the fan palm trees 🌴 which in ewe it's refers to as Agortiwome.
The two groups Assumed two different names The Ahantas became the Avatimewo which means the people at forest area and the Shai Agortimewo the people in the fan palm trees 🌴.
After awhile , Avatime people moved ahead but the Agortime people remained there and let me add that some of them still speak Ada language.
Unfortunately for the people of Avatime , they couldn't keep their language because when they got to their current location, Baya people were there including Bamakle and Akpafu people. Because Baya people were very Gaint and strong , Avatime people couldn't go to war with them and they had no choice but to live with them and in doing so , the Ahanta language mixed up with Baya language. After Avatime people eliminated most of Baya people, they married Baya women so when the women gave birth, they started speaking Baya language to the kids so both Languages got mixed up.
This was put together by George Ofori with support from Avatime youths going round Avatime to put Avatime history together and kind courtesy Mr Hulla Yao.