A Brief History Of Tongu.
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Tongu is an Ewe speaking community in southern Volta of Ghana. The word is two jointed Ewe word: 'tor' and 'ngu'. Tor means river and ngu means Near , hence Tongu meaning Near River.
The name Tongu refers to the Ewes who live along the River Volta, and whose main occupation is fishing and farming. Before the construction of the Akosombo Dam, the main main occupation of the people of Tongu was fishing. Tongu is made up of thirteen ( 13 ) traditional areas.
The include Mafi, Agave, Fievie, Bakpa, Sokpoe, Tefle, Mepe, Battor, Volo, Doffor, Vume, Fodzoku and Torgorme. The largest of these traditional areas is Mafi, followed by Agave then Fievie. The Tongus also have clans and gates which occuoy chieftaincy stools. Its land, geographically, covers an area of roughly 1950/2, and shares boundaries with Adaklu to the north
Until in 1989 when Tongu was divided into North and South Districts by Legislative Instrument 1467 and headed by Adidime and Sogakope respectively, Tongu was one District with Sogakope as its capital. Major towns in Tongu include Adidome, Sogakope, Mafi Kumase, Juapong,
Battor, Mepe, Aveyime, Dove, Vume, Tefle, Sokpoe, Dabala and Agave. Tongu has thre ( 3) political administrative constituencies. They are Central Tongu 9 Adidome ), North Tongu ( Juapong ) and South Tongu ( Sogakope ). Tongu currently has a population estimated to be 350,199