Volta: Mama Yetorwodoyor (I) meets women of Dzita and Agbledomi.
Sunday, April 24, 2022
The queen mother of Dzita, Mama Yetorwodoyor I has held a meeting with women of Dzita and Agbledomi on 19th April, 2022.
The meeting held at African Home Lodge (Meet Me There) was to discuss problems facing Dzita and Agbledomi communities, especially issues relating to women.
Dzita and Agbledomi are agrarian communities in the Anloga District of the Volta Region, Ghana, that depends on fishing and farming for their livelihood.
The communities over the years have been hit with strong tidal waves destruction which caused a lot of people to be displaced and others placed under economic hardship.
Schools, households, roads and businesses were most affected.
To defeat a wise saying by Timothy Dotsey “A queen who feast in her palace while her people starve will soon discover that if her title cannot turn into food and her crown turn into water, then her people cannot stop when they turn to her”, the Queen mother of Dzita Mama Yetorwodoyor I requested to meet women of the two communities to listen to their problems and find possible solutions for them.
Mama speaking to the women, laid much emphasize on problems relating to their occupations and the roles of the women in the development of the community. Among the consents raised were the pandemonium caused by tidal waves which render most women jobless and result in acute hardship for women of Dzita and Agbledomi communities.
Women also lament on lack of credit facilities to get them back to their petty trading tracks. Some lost as much as Ghc20,000 through the tidal waves disaster that happened in the community and they’re struggling to get back on their feet.
In response to the issues, Mama called on financial institutions to come to their aid by extending credit facilities to her women. She also encouraged them not to give up for there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The Queen felt bad about the hardship her people, especially women are going through as a result of the tidal waves disaster and appeal to the government and benevolent organizations to listen to their call for help.
The turnout was impressive and there were some personalities that honored the gathering.
Such personalities include: Mrs. Francisca Mensah mother of Torgbi Sabbah lV, Madam Awo Gadabor,Mama's regent and Miss Seyram Awushie Kpedor, the secretary to Mama Yetorwodoyor's council.