NEWS: Former Ghana Int Odartey Lamptey has won back his East Legon mansion from his ex wife.

NEWS: Former Ghana Int Odartey Lamptey has won back his East Legon mansion from his ex wife.

The Accra Court finally ruled that Mr Lamptey can take possession of his house tomorrow. Lamptey has been renting since 2014 after the wife sued to claim the house following their divorce. 

Odartey confirmed to me he will be officially moving back to the house tomorrow despite the refusal of his ex wife to vacate the place after the ruling. 

Following the divorce, Lamptey parted away with his five bedroom house at Dome plus a sum of 400,000 cedis as alimony to the ex wife but Ms Gloria Lamptey insisted she wanted the East Legon House instead. 

With the latest ruling on March 2, 2022 Odartey has been granted by the court to take back his house.
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