15 years old boy allegedly commit suicide.
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Residents of Viepe a suburb in Aflao in the Ketu South Municipality were thrown into a shock when they discovered a young boy hanging dead at the beach in the late hours on Wednesday,13/04/2022 around 8pm.
According to the Denu Police Command, they received information that a young man had hanged himself on a Canoe at Viepe beach.
Visiting the scene, the police said " a boy aged about 15 hanging in a blue nylon rope on a Canoe with the inscription "winners never quit and quitters never win" belonging to one Andrews Kojo Mifetu. Photographs and measurements were taken after which the body was loosened for inspection." They further noted, "The cervical vertebrae were found broken and the tongue protruding."
Police gathered that the incident happened a little after 7.00 pm when the workers had closed and gone home.
The yet to be identified body was deposited at Central Hospital Morgue in Aflao for further investigations.
The Denu Police Commander, ASP Nakoja is therefore Calling on residents within ketu South municipality whose son is within the age bracket 15yrs and has not returned home since yesterday to contact police Denu for identification and collection.