Trinity Theological seminary inaugurates 80th anniversary planning committee.

Trinity Theological seminary inaugurates 80th anniversary planning committee.

 A 17- Member  Planning Committee has been inaugurated for the 80th Anniversary of Trinity Theological Seminary, (TTS) Legon. 

Delivering Inauguration Speech, the Most Rev Dr. Paul K. Boafo, Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana and Chairman of the TTS Governing Council prayed the Holy Spirit to strengthen and equip the members of the Committee with knowledge, intellect, wisdom, insight and all the gifts and graces needed for the performance of their duties.

The Very Rev. Professor J. Kwabena Asamoah- Gyadu, President of TTS, expressed gratitude to the Chairman of the Committee and his team for accepting to serve the Seminary in that capacity.

The Anniversary Committee is chaired by the Rt. Rev. Samuel K. Osabutey, an alumnus of the Seminary and the Immediate Past Bishop of the Accra Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana. 
The Committee is made up of high profile personalities with varying areas of expertise.
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