Rev.Moses Tampuri Apandago retires after 31 years of serving God.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
The Assemblies of God Church (Faith Worship Center), Tanga has held a retirement service in honour of Rev.& Mrs. Moses Tampuri Apandago.
The couple whose ministry began in 1992 at Kukparigu in the Binduri District official came to an yesterday in Tanga the spirit filled service.
Rev. Moses was full of gratitude to the Almighty God for his blessings, guidance and protection. He thanked the leadership and members of the church for supporting his ministry and admonished them to watch and pray always so that they can stay together in the spirit and love of God.
On their part, the Tanga A/G Church presented a 3 bedroom house and the sum of Ten Thousand (GHS 10,000.00) Ghana Cedis in appreciation for the work of the man of God. Other branches of the church, friends and church members also made some donations to mark this milestone.