Aflao: Nigerian found dead at Beat 10.
Thursday, March 17, 2022
A young man identified as James Odum Ayo was found lying dead with foams from his nostrils in a supine position near the Global Evangelical Church, Aflao on 30/12/ 21. He was a head porter around the beats of Aflao.
The assembly member for Huime Agordome reported the issue to the Aflao Police Command and the body has been deposited at the Ketu South Municipal Hospital for preservation. All efforts made to trace the families of the proved futile.
Information from the police indicate if they are unable to get the deceased families by 31/03/22, the body would be declared unknown and the Municipal Environmental Health officer will be informed for subsequent burial of the body as a pauper.
Story by Sylvia Awuye,Holy Fm,Aflao