The Young Lady who doesn’t want to be another Larry King .
Thursday, February 3, 2022
There is this lady I know—she‘s an avid reader and a very perceptive student of life.
We’ve been talking recently, and she shared with me her story. About a problem she had, and some shit storm she had to sail through.
Took a while. But she finally understood. She took that step. She did what the shit storm was sent to get her doing. She created a Whatsapp group, added a couple of friends, shared her story, and then asked group members to share similar stories if they wanted to.
Now the Whatsapp group is no longer sharing such stories and the members are now wont to socializing and seeing if they can ratchet up some relationships between and among themselves, but the group creator is still active, still thinking, still writing, and the Whatsapp group is morphing into a media programme.
She now has the idea of sitting down to interview people whose stories are not heard, people who seem to make the jump from obscurity to being ubiquitous effortlessly, and people wired weird. I am one of such people, and I’m getting featured on the pilot episode on the 5th of February, 2021.
I’m sure she wasn’t thinking about it. I’m sure she wanted to give up when the Whatsapp group was no longer going in the direction she initially envisaged, but it was for the steps. You only see a second door when the first door closes.
All along, her subconscious was working on the initial idea, refining it, and making it near perfect. It is. Coming soon to a mobile phone screen near you.
That’s how dreams evolve. But she doesn’t want to be another Larry King. Maybe Barbara Walters. Maybe just herself. Time will tell.
By Stan Dugah