Science isn't Anti-religion ~ Stan's Blog
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
We were final year students at Anloga E.P. Basic School when the 2006 Eclipse of the Sun occured. Some special glasses had been sold beforehand and those who had it used it to watch this mysterious event. Some people used broken glasses to shield their eyes while watching it.
Soon, the moon had fully covered the sun, and it was dark. All around us birds chirping ceased and went back to their nests. People who were fishing on the lagoon and working in the farms reported experiencing the stillness of dusk and the few minutes of darkness beyond.
But nobody panicked. We knew it was going to happen, and it wasn't permanent. The story would have been different if this had happened five or six centuries ago.
Upon seeing the sun swallowed, some would have thought eternal death was here for all of mankind. Others would have teared their hairs out, shrieking in fear and praying to multiple gods to save them from the great darkness.
But the gods themselves would have been as puzzled as the people and frightened out of their wits, thinking a greater god was here to crush them.
Maybe a few enlightened souls would have known that it wasn't the end of days (even without prior experience of an eclipse). Some people just know.
World renowned atheist Christopher Hitchens, author of the book 'god is not Great' has a brother who is an ardent Christian and a writer. He also wrote a book, in response to his brother's, titled 'the Rage Against God." They are both riveting reads and make arguments that resonate.
That's a case of two highly educated brothers interpreting scientific information relative to religion differently. The choice is yours to make.
Now, let's hear the conclusion of the whole matter: science isn't anti-religious; science isn't a god dedicated and opposed to your vision of divinity; it's just here to help us better understand our world, revere it, work it better, evolve as a species and maybe live fearless.
Let's do this.
By Stan Dugah