

There’s a regular order of birth naming for all Akan however, in Mfantse the spellings and pronunciations are different and there are differences.

Number of Children naming

First born -  Ɔkwan/ Abakan. First born is Piesie in Twi
Second born – Can some educate us on the name of a second born in Fante? Manu is second born in Twi
Third born - Mensa/Mesima/Mansa 
Fourth born -  Anan (Annan)/ Maanan
Fifth born – Anum/Num (General for all Akans)
Sixth born – Nsia anglicalised to Essien
Seventh born – Eson/Essoun 
Eight born - Awɔtwe/Awotwe 
Ninth born – Ackon/Ackun
Tenth born – Bedu anglicalised to Baidoo / Beduwa
And it goes on and on........

Days of the week naming

Kwesi/Akosoa/Esi - Kwasida (Sunday born)
Kojo(Cudjoe)/Jojo/Adjoa (Adwowa) – Ɛdwoda (Monday born)
Kobina/Ebo/Abena/Araba - Ɛbenada (Teusday born)
Kweku(Quaque)/Kuuku/Abeiku/Ekuwa(Ekua)/Kuukua – Wukuada (Wednesday born)
Ekow/Kwaw(Kwao)/Aba/Baaba – Yawoada (Thursday born)
Kofi/Yoofi/Fiifi/Fii/Efua/Efuwa/Efe – Ɛffida (Friday born)
Kwame/Kwamena(Quamena)/Ato/Ama -  Memenda (Saturday born)

Twin Naming

Panyin – Older child of a twin (The child who came first)
Kakra – Younger child of a twin (The child who came second)
Atta – One of the twins

A typical example of these naming are Kofi Annan (Kofi – born on Friday, Annan – the fourth child of his parents) and Fiifi Atta Mills (Fiifi – born on Friday and Atta – a twin child)

What is your Fante name?
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