Built to Last~Stan's Blog
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Jim Collins and Jerry Porras' international bestseller 'Built to Last' is a business management and entrepreneurship book premised on the clock builder vrs time teller anecdote. Which of these two will you prefer: a woman who is brainy enough to tell you which year, month, day and time of day it is without the aid of a clock or one who can manufacture and give you a timepiece that does the same job?That's the focus of Built to Last.
Based on a six year research by two academics and a number of colleagues and MBA students, the authors compare two sets of companies--on the one hand companies that are widely successful and visionary, and on the other hand their equally successful competitors but not as visionary as those belonging to the first set.
Both sets of companies have thrived for decades, but the companies that deserve gold medals rather than silver or bronze, according to the study, are the ones that have contributed more to the world, the societies they find themselves in, helped employees do meaningful work and last but not the least, made good profits to survive and thrive down the ages. Some of them have been in business for 150 years and none less than 50.
What made them so successful? What role does vision play in their longevity and meaningful contribution to their field, societies, employees, profitability to shareholders and service to clients? What other factors contributed to their great successes? Built to Last answers these questions and more.
I highly recommend it if you are a business owner, a social entrepreneur or a professional seeking to build businesses and institutions that last long after you are dead and gone.
'Building a company that can prosper far beyond the presence of any single leader and through multiple product life cycles is clock building.' - Jim Collins
Let's do this.
By Stan Dugah