A 63-Year-Old Victoria gets gift From Pastor Evelyn Joshua
Sunday, January 30, 2022
A Sixty-three-year-old Victoria began her testimony today by telling the church that when she had come to The SCOAN many years ago with numerous problems and issues, she was accepted wholeheartedly by Prophet T.B. Joshua. As the years passed, she had continued to enjoy the mentorship of Prophet T.B. Joshua.
As such, when the man of God transited to glory, Victoria said she had cried: “It is finished for me!” A while afterwards, Victoria decided she wanted to return to her village. She then approached woman of God Pastor Evelyn Joshua and told her. Moved with compassion, the woman of God promised to go with Victoria to the village.
Thinking it an impossibility, Victoria marvelled at the unexpected offer. To cut a long story short, the woman of God said she would be sending people with Victoria to the village to do one thing: build her a house! Only a few months later, the house is now standing in decent glory on a plot of land in Iyin-Ekiti State, Nigeria. Amazed at this incredible gesture, Victoria thought it necessary to testify to the world about the blessing she has received.
Victoria’s younger sister, who accompanied her to testify today, also recalled how a touch from Prophet T.B. Joshua about five years ago had ended her 17 years of barrenness. “Nothing is impossible for God; let’s have faith in him,” said Victoria’s in-law, Wahab. “Focus on God,” declared Victoria.