Tuesday, December 7, 2021
The National Teaching Council on Thursday, December 2, 2021 held its 7th Awards Committee Meeting at the MPLAZA Hotel in Accra to review the 2021 GTLE II results before its published on Monday, December 6, 2021.
The 7th Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE) took place on 25th and 26th October, 2021 in 20 centres across the country.
In all 4929 candidates registered for all the three subjects – Numeracy, Literacy and Essential Professional Skills. There were also 8219 re-sit candidates bringing the total number of candidates to 13148 who wrote the examination at 20 centres across the country.
The 7th Awards Committee Meeting brought together Chief Examiners who gave reports on the performance of candidates who sat for the 2021 Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE) II. In all, they commended some of the candidates for a good work done while decrying poor performance of many other candidates.
The Registrar of the National Teaching Council, Dr. Christian Addai – Poku described the conduct of the 7th GTLE as being one of the most successful and incident free. He commended all stakeholders, particularly exam officials, candidates, and service providers for the roles played impeccably.
Dr. Addai – Poku indicated that the 7th Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination was preceded by development of online test preps to assist candidates prepare adequately for the examination. The link of the portal was sent to all the registered candidates to use the preparatory materials for their studies. A report indicates that a sizeable number of the candidates made good use of the portal. It is firmly believed that this intervention will help shore up the performance of candidates.
He further added that the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination is undergoing a number of reforms, effective next year. This includes the Subject-Based Test (SBT) and Computer- Based Test (CBT). This is to help test both professionalism and proficiency of the candidates.
The Honourable Deputy Minister for Education, Rev. John Ntim Fordjour was full of praise to the National Teaching Council and its key stakeholders for successfully pulling through the 7th GTLE. He admonished the National Teaching Council and the Chief Examiners not to kowtow to the pressure from candidates to lower standards.
“The NTC must remain firm and resolute to ensure that the highest standards are maintained. This is the best way we can select the right crop of teachers to man our classrooms to improve education at the basic level” the Deputy Minister stated.
In attendance were representatives of the Vice Chancellors of the University of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University of Cape Coast and University of Education Winneba, University For Development Studies.
Public Relations Unit
National Teaching Council, Accra.