Tuesday, December 7, 2021
The impending NATIONAL STANDARD ASSESSMENT(NSAT) FOR BASIC 4 is a pilot assessment project for public. For now it will not capture the private schools.
The executives of Ghana National Council of Private Schools had series of meetings on this Standard assessment with the Ministry and have arrived at the conclusion that from the next academic year, NSAT 2022 will cover all Schools in both the public and private sector.
As it stands now, this pilot assessment whose focus is on the basic 4 class is for only public schools. NSAT 2022 and beyond will however focus on classes 2, 4, 6, & 8.
What has not been concluded for now is whether or not the private schools will be paying for taking the NSAT.
This discussion has also been on the negotiation table and discussions are still ongoing.
As part of ensuring quality assessment for private schools children, GNACOPS at the concluding stages of entering into a partnership with an international assessment provider to offer some form of international assessment services to our students.
The focus here is make the assessment results one that has both a national and international recognition