Reintroduction of school farm system the best way forward for us as a country - Redeemer Kukubor writes

Reintroduction of school farm system the best way forward for us as a country - Redeemer Kukubor writes

Ghanaian Teacher and Youth Advocate, Redeemer Kukubor has pen down some piece of advice for the development of the Economy.
In his post, he stated that,
"Reintroduction of school farm system the best way forward for us as a country"
Ghana as a country is faced with certain problems for which the solutions are not far from reach of the hand and I will like to share my views on some of this problems and what I think should be the way forward.
The very first thing I will like to look at is the periodic report of shortage of food in some of our Senior High Schools. In my opinion, I think this problem of food shortage in our senior high schools would have been resolved if the school farm system is reintroduced in our schools where funds would be made available for the schools to cultivate crops and also get involved in poultry production so that they can cater for their needs of feeding as individual schools rather than always depending on government supply. 
 In the same vain, it will be a good practice if it can be replicated in the basic schools and the produce be used to support schools benefiting from the feeding program. By so doing, one stone would be use to kill two birds at ago, as students are presented with the opportunity to learn more practically on the various farming system, it will also serve as a better means for the individual schools to generate revenue internally. 

This school farm system if reintroduced will make the government planting for food and job program chalk a greater success as more food will be produced if more schools are encouraged and supported with funding to take up the initiative.
God bless our homeland Ghana
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