Eclipse of life~ Sell Hammah writes
Monday, November 22, 2021
There is an eclipse in life.
The strength is the echo of the past.
Tantalizing and agonizing all vast ahead.
The Being doesn't know .
Yet that due moment shall come gathering a momentum of ceize.
Enigmatic, enigmatic one lives.
How could children leave
forgetting home?
Back at home,
Mamma staggered,
For Friends and relatives,
To the crows' announcement their pinna strained.
And choruses they rehearsed.
Let them morn ! Let them morn!
But what is life made of than a never ending fight to survive?
Wether reach or poor,
The fight is always there and children too shall leave.
Yes it is ordained, but why should
They leave and be care free?
Yes don't 'carrish'.
Sel hammah