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Broadcast Journalist Rebecca Ocloo Akorli popularly known as Dj Little has taken her facebook timeline a piece of advice for the citizens.
The post which was captioned "THE PLIGHT OF THE VULNERABLE CITIZEN" seeks to highlight the facts about Ghanaian Politics and the bitter truth of living in the country Ghana.
Read the post below;
"I have set the standard not to be politically biased in relation to my profession.

So what I write here is not politics but the real fact. Is either a little bit of or no emotional feelings attached. 

The political parties in our country comes out every 4years with sweet mind persuading manifestos (the proposal letter) pleading for votes from the ordinary Ghanaian citizenry to gain power. (they plead for us to vote for them to rule us in their favor) may be my discovered difinition for election, democracy or name them. 

Mr. Politian in power can you feel the heat, the hardship the economy is going through by lay man's feeling? 
Mr. Hon., I believe you still have your three square meal a day, you afford the fuel price, your wards university tuition fee, hospital bills et cetera. But have you ever dreamt to know how those who gave the mandate to you are surviving??? 

OK, I thought you are supposed to serve them but it looks to me like they are the slaves and you are the master. 
Do you see the future of the nation or you think you are the future with this attitude and after that there's no future. Do you lead in the interest of the people or in your self interest. 
Please think of it. 
The land borders are closed and and air is open why??
The virus can actually spread quickly through the land borders, but not through air if the necessary measures are put in place right??
I can imagine the sorrow of special people who earns a living who goes to and fro the borders transacting business. 
Mr. Director in charge of states firms why do you chosed to harden your heart. You refused to give orders for certain decisions and tasks to be executed. 

Eg. . Student Loan Trust fund, do you know what the vulnerable students who are determined to change their family history are suffering due to your actions and in actions. I interviewed some students, it's a pity. The machines are there but the have not received the go ahead so they can't do anything was their reply. They have no say but learning from you. 

Government sector in charge of funds, you have refused to release funds for those who mandated you to get relief, rehabilitation & development.
 You have closed the borders till now. Those living in those areas are struggling to survive. Will you are allow yourselves or children to go through this kind mess.
Education system in Ghana now hmmmmmm. 

I just have to ask because it baffles my mind a lot.
I will be back."

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