Sangulani Chikumbutso an African Inventor from Zimbabwe .
Monday, October 4, 2021
Sangulani Chikumbutso hail from Zimbabwe and he was born on 10th November , 1980 in Present day Mazoe , Zimbabwe to Mr. Andrew Sangulani Chikumbutso and Mrs . Susan Chikumbutso , his siblings Include Hazvinei Chikumbutso , Shupikai Chikumbutso and Farai Chikumbutso.
He is a prominent young man in Kuwadzana , Zimbabwe and he had aspired to become a mechanic . Sangulani completed Primary School and Secondary Education up to Form 2 to Dzivareseka High School but dropped out due to many Issues . Sangulani Chikumbutso taught himself about electronics in 1999 , he built his first successful Project which was a radio broadcast transmitter and he started broadcast due to the luck of funding .
In 2001, Under the mentorship of Rose Mazula , Sangulani Chikumbutso developed the Digital Nagivation which is used for facilitator landing of aircraft from variables that Include the size of the aircraft he took it to the Air Zimbabwe Technical Training Centre where it was assessed and given commendation by aircraft technology since 1980 even though he himself had not been in on aeroplane .
Sangulani Chikumbutso met up with Bruce Mujeyi who bought into Sangulani's vision and volunteered to register patent for free and technical team assessed the technology and confirmed that it worked . Sangulani Chikumbutso started providing Projects . In 2003 , Sangulani used his ideas to create a self-powered generator however , It is said he got as a haulage truck driver . By 2009, the first Prototype of the Greener generator began to work generating 1,200 Watts . Sangulani Chikumbutso was Invited by Lesotho government to do a presentation of his project . He was given $1.2 million dollars after he met with Zach Wazara the former CEO of Econet and founder of Broada.com . Sangulani Chikumbutso formed a Partnership with telecoms company which failed . Sangulani at Broda.com , he Invited the first WiFi Meshing technology in Zimbabwe with Self- Organising base stations among other projects .
Under Sangulani paternership, with a company the second Greener power prototype was developed and In 2007 they failed to find attorney who was able to file a patent for the Greener Power . Sangulani Chikumbutso patent examiners proposed classifying it as a perpetual motion device in Zimbabwe and South Africa later he went on to build 3 machine later he went on to build in Kuwadzana . It is said Sangulani Chikumbutso produced his first Innovation around 1999 when he produced a radio broadcast transmitter . Some of his Innovation Include Digital Nagivation Facilitator and Green powdered generator . Although Sangulani's prototypes worked, he secured funding from several people that he Intially approached . Sangulani Chikumbutso joined the ranks with his recent announcement that he plans to manufacture electric powered vechicles , unmanned surveillance helicopters drones and renewable power generators .
Sangulani showed his Invention displaying many wonderful technological gadgets and equipment that he has Invented over years . Sangulani Chikumbutso described Inventions as a gift of God to Zimbabwe and Africa . His Other Inventions such as The Greener Power Machine known as GPM , The Electric Car , The Drone , The Helicopter and Step- Up Transformer. Sangulani was raised by his Single mother there was opportunity for Sangulani in South Africa where Johannesburg City power Invited tenders for new and renewable energy solutions . Among the bidders Sangulani was the Only Individual .
In Spite of that , he performed exceptionally but unfortunately he lost the opportunity because It is believed the awarding director wanted a portion of shares in the company in exchange for his grant.
Sangulani turned down a buyout from an unamed Institute around the time and he met Dr. Teddy De Almeida an Angolan Spiritual leader or Priest , Dr. Almeida was also a business man as well in Johannesburg , South Africa he owns one of the biggest energy companies in Angola under Bongani group .
Dr. Almeida contributed over $500,000 dollars as a seed or Investment into Sangulani's vision without documents signed. Some of Sangulani's Inventions Include Two- Seater helicopter which uses six different types of fuel and electric vechicle it has a top speed of 90 km/h . Sangulani is also a Entrepreneur with creative mind and he is the young founder of Saith Holdings and he carries a vision of driving his company into the future with home grown technologies .
Sangulani Chikumbutso quoted , " African products or my Invented products are good quality finished products , which would have required some sort of expensive lab to complete to such a professional finish Instead of importing Chinese product and claim it to be unique ".
Sangulani Chikumbutso 's Inventions works Prouduced .
1. Saith Backpack IP Mesh .
2. AP Bridge .
3. Saith IS - 497HB .
4. Saith Hex Copter .
5. The Greener Power Machine ( GPM) is one case in point this relatively gigantic yet mobile glass covered box and the machine was powered by a Microsonic Energy Device which is also known as MSED.
6 . Saith Receiver Mobile Solutions.
7 . The Electric Car is charged overnight .
8 . The Drove currently fly on batteries which is designed to fly for 5km or 5 minutes of battery life before needing a recharge with the ability to fly in moderate rain conditions too .
9. The Step - Up Transformer which is glassed 3 phase piece of technology , It has a very little amount of electricity and steps it up to what is fit up to what is fit to power an entire neighborhood .