Facts about Talensi People of Ghana.

Facts about Talensi People of Ghana.

Tallensi People also spelled Talensi people of Northern part of Ghana who speak a language of the Gur branch of the Niger-Congo language family.
They grow millet and sorghum as staples and raise cattle, sheep, and goats on a small scale. Their normal domestic unit is the polygamous joint family of a man and his sons and sometimes grandsons with their wives and unmarried daughters.
Married daughters live with their husbands in other communities, commonly nearby. The Tallensi are polygamous and follow a patrilineal system of kinship and descent. Great emphasis is placed on inheritance and the tensions surrounding parents' relationships with their children. It is considered essential for a man to have a son if he is to achieve fulfillment and be venerated as an ancestor after his death.
However, the birth of a first born son, and to a lesser extent a first born daughter, is held to mark the culmination of a man's rise in the world, and the start of his decline. Meanwhile, the son grows to replace and supplant the father. The resulting ambivalence between father and son, which is reminiscent of the effects of the Oedipus complex as articulated by Sigmund Freud, plays an important role in Tallensi rituals and taboos.
Taboos begin when the first born son reaches the age of five or six. From this time on the son may not eat from the same dish as his father, wear his father's cap or tunic, carry his father's quiver, use his father's bow, or look into his father's granary. When the son reaches adolescence, he may not meet his father in the entrance to the house compound. Similar taboos exist to regulate the relationship between mother and first born daughter. The daughter, for example, may not look into her mother's storage pot.
Upon the death of a father, his first born son and daughter lead the rituals involved in his funeral. The son, at this point, puts on his father's cap and tunic. 
A tribal elder, carrying the dead man's bow, ritually guides the son to his father's granary and shows him the inside. After his father's death the son is considered a mature man for the purposes of ritual, and it is his responsibility to make sacrifices to the ancestors, chief among them being his own father, who being recently dead is held to act as an intermediary between those still living and the more Ancestors.
It is believed that these taboos and rituals serve to channel ambivalence and resentment between generations into culturally defined and culturally acceptable means of expression and they are known for their Sacred Temple in Tongo . The Dieties of Tongo was believed to have assisted many noble Ghanaians in Spiritual services apart from Nogokpo, Antoa , Akonnedi and They are Warriors .
Source: Selikem Okatakyie
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