Saturday, September 25, 2021
Chairman, Distinguished Guests, Patrons of the MP’s Skills Development Projects, the media, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon.
Mia woezor va Avoeme, Aflao. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
It is my singular honour and privilege to welcome you to Ketu South. I thank God for travelling mercies granted to those of you who have had to come here from Accra, Keta, Anlo, Ho and other places in and around Ketu South and the world.
On the 7th January 2021, I was sworn in as the blessed Member of Parliament for the Ketu South. I have been welcomed into the role as Member of Parliament by the COVID-19 Pandemic, a year and a half and counting, of the closure of the border, the tidal wave devastation and the now institutionalised closing of the fishing season. Sadly, I am in the 9th month of the role with no money. All these have had a telling effect on me and the people of this constituency.
We have been brought on our knees by force majeure, disease, and what I would call unfavourable political decisions.
We have been struggling to find local solutions as we wait and hope for some social Intervention from the state to alleviate our suffering.
I am unable to authorize anyone to open the borders. I cannot ask the sea to stop the devastation. I cannot ask COVID to leave us alone, but I can teach my people how to fish.
As the member of Parliament, I have looked at my specific situation as a citizen and as one of the leaders in this community. I have looked at the economic situation of my people and I have resolved to assist with my widows’ mite.
I am going to teach my people how earn a decent living through decent work.
Ghana is a member of the comity of nations that form the United Nations. Ghana is a signatory to many UN conventions. Ghana’s President, H. E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo is among the current members of those mandated to champion the Sustainable Development Goals, which are urgent calls for action by all countries to end poverty, improve on the lives of their people, to bring about prosperity and development.
My personal interest in the SDG's, as a Member of Parliament for Ketu South, are in four of these seventeen SDG’s these are, Goal One, NO POVERTY, Goal five, GENDER EQUALITY, Goal Eight, DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, and Goal Ten, REDUCE INEQUALITY.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, it is acknowledged that these seventeen SDG’s are integrated.
Each one of these goals can potentially solve all the others. The framers of these goals recognise, “that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability”.
It is also acknowledged that “the creativity, know how, technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDG’s in every context”.
How many of our policies as a country are really addressing the SDG’s to ensure we attain these set goals. I am not talking about non sustainable adhoc and populist interventions that are not really addressing our situation and polices but well thought through, sustainable pro-poor interventions and polices.
The 4 goals that I have adopted are to cure or help solve the specific situation of Ketu South and mitigate the suffering of my people. I need the by in, support, help from all of you to be successful.
Togbe o, Maama o, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, recently, it was advertised that the Army, Police, Immigration and Fire Service were recruiting people for employment.
I received over 200 photocopies of applicants forms from this constituency and also about 50 from family, acquaintances and friends.
There are 275 Members of Parliament, Ministers and their Deputies, not to talk of the seat of Government. How many slots were or are available?
The images of the teaming numbers of our youthful population at the El-Wak Stadium in Accra scared many and revealed the failure of the state to address the issue of employment in our country.
Looking at the numbers needed against the number of interested people, it is easy to conclude that the recruitment is a STILL BIRTH, DEAD ON ARRIVAL as it cannot solve the deficit in employment.
The truth of the matter is that we as a country are at a cross road. We are facing a potential crisis /disaster.
As the MP for Ketu South, I have seen firsthand, the devastating effect of poverty on my people due to lack of jobs and opportunities for employment.
To address same, and in line with the NDC manifesto of 2020 to teach skills and nature entrepreneurs, I have bought 100 sewing machines, 50 hand held dryers, one special leather sewing machines, 10 Computers and one phone repairing machine, provided resources for the teaching of soap making and plumbing.
Over 2000 people have applied or registered to learn in the followings domains. Sewing, Hairdressing, Shoemaking, Phone repairs, Plumbing, ICT, Photography, Decor, Beads making, Baking and Soap making.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, I need about 500 sewing machines, 300 hand held hair dryers more, loads and loads of money for this project to be rolled out successfully and in a sustainable way.
To say no to poverty, erase hunger, promote good health and well-being, give quality education, promote gender equality, give decent work for economic growth, to reduce inequalities for a sustainable growth of Ketu South, we must work together to ensure that this project becomes the medicine to cure all that I have listed and I believe we can do it.
We can make a decision today to correct the wrongs we have done to our people through our actions and inactions. The time to ignite change is now, positive change for the transformation of the lives of our people, the citizens of Ghana.
It is my prayer and desire to add on to the domains next year. We hope to teach Upholstery, Electricals, Carpentry, Driving, Welding, Vulcanizing, Painting Spraying and more.
We in Ketu South need to be given the support other startup businesses receive from the state agencies like MASLOC and NVTI. This support will ensure our students or apprentices and empowered, prepared and sent off properly.
There are many who have learnt many skills from me over the years but still have no capital to start on the own.
Togbe o, Maama o, I want to seize this opportunity to sound a word of caution to the students;
• eschew pride, arrogance and indiscipline
• those caught in these will be expelled
• I have urged the trainers to treat my students with love and mutual respect
We are committed and dedicated to take our destiny into our own hands, so help us God and man.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, I am today, by the Grace of God and with your support, happy to declare that the Ketu South Skills Development Project is duly launched.
Miawoe va wordor
Miawoe ve amenu
Miawoe le dordzi
Mawu ne yira mi kataa