Put away tribalistic sentiments - Moderator of G.A. urges Christians

Put away tribalistic sentiments - Moderator of G.A. urges Christians

Moderator of the General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana, Rt. Rev. Dr. Lt. Col. Bliss Divine Kofi Agbeko (Rtd.), on Sunday, 5th September, 2021, cautioned the Christian fraternity to as a matter of urgency do away with Tribal Sentiments among others in the society to enable growth and development in the Christian faith and belief.
The Moderator made the call when he joined the members of the Hoviefe-Lokoe District of the E.P. Church, Ghana to officially open the new "Evergreen Congregation" at Sokode Green Valley and to raise funds to acquire a plot of land to build a Chapel for the new Congregation. 

Speaking on the theme, "Have Faith in the Lord", the Moderator reiterated to the Christian fellowship to always qualify their faith with actions not just by words. He called on Christians to believe in the works of the lord by sharing the blessings of faith through their activities. "It's our hope to put our faith into action because when we wish someone, we love someone, or say God bless someone we have to show the blessing through our action, for faith without works is dead”, he said. The Moderator concluded his sermon by urging the public and especially, Christians to identify and refrain from acts that bring about division in the Church such as tribal comments and the like.

The E.P.C.G., Evergreen Congregation officially started Worship Service on 10th January, 2021, with just Nineteen (19) members, residing in the vicinity of the Green Valley but now has thirty-six (36) members and still counting.

According to the District Minister of the Hoviefe-Lokoe District, under whose jurisdiction the new Congregation was established, Rev. Dzidzor Nathaniel Atsu Affram the establishment of the Green Valley Congregation was hinged on the Mission Statement of the Church, "Bringing light to where there is darkness" with support from Rev. Alex Owusu, Director of Mission and Evangelism and Mr. Frank Edem Akudeka, Acting Catechist with God's direction.

Speaking on the main motivation of the establishment of the E.P.C.G., Evergreen Congregation, Rev. D.N.A. Affram exclusively indicated that, it was a move to bring the Church closer to already existing members of the Church and other Christians residing in the area. This is because, members of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana who are settling in the developing area find it difficult sometimes to access transportation to the nearest Congregations, i.e., Sokode Lokoe and Sokode Etoe for Church Service.

He again added that, it is the vision of the District to also open a school close to the area which will aid the large number of people living in the area in the near future, taking into consideration the location of the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS) which shall soon become a large community of different calibre of people. 
Professor Edem Kwasi Bakah, President of the E.P. University College in his keynote address, called on individuals to volunteer to support the Congregation to grow.

Source: Evans Attah
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